Wednesday, November 27, 2019
In what ways did the British government attempt to hide the effects of the Blitz from the people of Britain Essays
In what ways did the British government attempt to hide the effects of the Blitz from the people of Britain Essays In what ways did the British government attempt to hide the effects of the Blitz from the people of Britain Essay In what ways did the British government attempt to hide the effects of the Blitz from the people of Britain Essay When war broke out in 1939, there was an air of reluctance among the British people. The horror of the First World War was fresh in peoples minds and many did not want to experience that again. The government recognised the need to keep up morale, because if it were destroyed then the war would be lost, and designated a department, the Ministry of Information, for the production of propaganda and the organisation of censorship. When the Blitz started in 1940, the government thought it especially important to safeguard the public spirit due to the damaging effects of civilian bombings, both physical and psychological. They used a variety of tools to accomplish this, such as radio broadcasts, newsreels, and poster campaigns. However, it was not a simple matter of hiding information from the public. Some things were censored, but it was more about presenting a carefully crafted image to people and using scenes of destruction to convey positive, morale-boosting messages. One of the ways in which the British government attempted to control public opinion was through the use of propaganda. Multiple poster campaigns were commissioned and Ministry of Information newsreels were watched by thousands every week. Radio broadcasts, listened to by a large proportion of the country, were also heavily influenced by the government. The only radio station available was owned by the BBC, which was in constant communication with the Ministry of Information about how events should be reported. Even light entertainment on the radio often contained an underlying message. Censorship was also carried out. Journalists had to submit articles for checking and some newspapers which breached these regulations were officially banned. Several pictures and clips of film footage deemed not suitable for public viewing, such as a film of a mass burial following raids on Coventry, were concealed and not unearthed until after the war. The government felt a need to censor images which were particularly distressing or which showed the country not coping well with disaster. A photograph of the bombed playground of Catford Girls School is an example of an image that was not shown to the public. Dead bodies in bags are seen strewn all over the ground. Photographs of this nature were unlikely to have been approved for publication because actual, rather than implied, death is clearly shown. This might have disturbed people, especially those who had not had a personal experience of sufferings of this magnitude. Actually to see a picture of the dead bodies of children just casually lying around is far more depressing than an impersonal, relatively meaningless list of casualty figures. Also, the viewing of images showing despair or intense grief was restricted. The government wanted to put across the message that Britain was coping well and pulling together; being psychologically unaffected. Film clips such as one of a bereaved woman overcome with grief after a funeral would not corroborate this and so were banned. However, many scenes of physical destruction were not censored, but used as pieces of propaganda. This was so that the people of Britain could be shown rising above the devastation around them and emerging as a united, confident, glorious nation. The film Neighbours Under Fire shows many newly-made homeless people who are singing, laughing and apparently pulling together as a community. This courage is made more startling by the repeated shots of the completely wrecked buildings around them. Their homes and belongings may have been destroyed, as we are constantly reminded, but their spirit has not. This use of propaganda was not directly hiding the effects of the Blitz but rather slightly misrepresenting the psychological and social ramifications. We see a country whose spirit is completely unaffected by the hardship; which is becoming a stronger nation because of it. There is no mention of the terrified residents of Coventry trekking out every night and sleeping in the fields or the vast, fearful crowds gathering to force the government to open the Tube stations as shelters. Also, if the message of the propaganda had been that Britain was barely affected at all then the anger of the people who knew otherwise would have been aroused and little notice would have been taken of the material. The films were made more plausible by the showing of some measure of destruction and this actually helped to disguise the real situation because people would have seen little reason to question the image of unity and perseverance conveyed. The British government tried to hide the effects of the Blitz by these means to preserve the morale of the people. They knew that a nation without patriotic resilience could not sustain the multi-faceted war effort at home and so through radio broadcasts, newsreels and poster campaigns sought to manage the public perception of and reaction to the Blitz.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Analyse Porphyrias lover by Robert Browning Essays
Analyse Porphyrias lover by Robert Browning Essays Analyse Porphyrias lover by Robert Browning Paper Analyse Porphyrias lover by Robert Browning Paper Essay Topic: Poetry The Secret Life Of Bees Porphyrias lover is one of the most dramatic monologues written by a Victorian poet. Many tried to grasp new concepts of sensuality and brutality but it was Browning who captured these themes perfectly. As the Victorian society developed its understanding on sexuality and morality, people realized how many problems they have to face due to the idea of bad and wrong. Consciousness was a new idea so many poets didnt look at the normal side of the society but tried to develop their understanding and reflection of the insane minds. Porphyrias lover is a great example of such a reflection. Through the monologue we are pushed to face the conflict within the mind, the most twisted endeavors of our souls and the tip of a huge mountain of insanity. The narrator of this great piece is a complex multi layered character who shows us the problems and conflicts within his mind. Browning unfolds the secrets of the narrator very subtlety. The murder is described with a passive and apathetic voice which makes this poem seem so unreal and abstract. The author touches the most delicate and dark sides of our mind and shows us what would happen if the was no conscious present or if it was understood differently. The narrator describes his actions as I found a thing, thing to do,( )and strangled her. This is a very passive description of a action. It tells us that the narrator believed it was a natural action; killing the girl. Her love was so dear to him, that he decided to keep it in her for eternity. This action could theoretically be considered romantic. However, isnt killing someone a brutal action. Here we are facing a great conflict. Were his actions romantic or rather brutal, is taking someone elses life a loving or a evil action? The narrator doesnt even see other possibilities. He is so satisfied with the love and compassion she is showing him ( happy and proud; at last I knew Porphyria worshiped me) On the other hand Browning tells us there was some questioning to his actions. No pain felt she, Im quite sure she felt no pain the narrator is reassuring himself that his actions were right and loving. This tells us that there was some rational thinking in his head. However, rational doesnt mean the same thing to everyone. There is no clear description of what is rational or not. If there is enough evidence to back up your action then it may as well be considered rational. The point is that the narrator does back up his actions with reasoning, unfortunately his reasoning and his action do not weigh each other out meaning that in our modern reality his mind is unbalanced and incorrect. To show the deep complexity of ones mind, Browning uses a very particular rhyme pattern through out the piece ABABB. The intensity and asymmetry of the pattern suggests the madness concealed within the speaker’s reasoned self-presentation. The speaker uses a few great metaphors. As a shut bud that holds a bee, I warily opened her lids. This could indicate the reflection upon his actions. As we know bees sting, the narrator doesnt want to feel the painful truth. A beautiful flower has died with his love hidden inside. It is now not visible so he opens her eyes again, afraid of what he might see; pain, horror, hate. Hes scared that once the bud id open his love will sting him and fly away. In the last line of the poem the author talks about the result of his actions, and yet God has not said a word. This tells us that the narrator knows his actions could be considered as bad but yet no one has done anything. No one stopped him from doing what he had done therefore it was right. This also indicated that our speaker is religious and is scared aware of heaven and hell, this could suggest that to hold Porphyrias love and passion was so dear to him it was worth more than being a good man or going to heaven.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Misuse of DNA Evidence in Homicide Cases Research Paper - 1
Misuse of DNA Evidence in Homicide Cases - Research Paper Example Several barriers exist that limit the contribution of DNA technology to homicide investigations. They include failure by law enforcement to effectively analyze DNA evidence, lack of appropriate communication between law enforcement and crime laboratory, insufficient resources that may not justify the use of DNA technology and use of incompatible DNA analysis systems. There are inherent problems with DNA technology that could lead to wrong convictions. These include cross-contamination, mislabeling of samples, and intentional planting of DNA and misinterpretation of test results. The government’s initiative to create DNA databases also violates privacy laws and therefore calling for the need for transparency on the use of personal information held in DNA laboratories. Given the challenges in the use of DNA evidence in homicide cases, it thus makes sense for prosecutors and investigators to work carefully, using accessible resources most competently. This will mean that DNA stud y should presently be carried out only when compulsory and required to establish an element of the crime. Primarily, it is for identification and also to prove presence or contact of a suspect at the scene of crime, when it is has been denied by the suspect (Butterfield, 1996). DNA is a fundamental building block of the genetic makeup of an individual. It is contained in almost every single cell of the entire human body and is unique to every human being including identical twins. DNA samples collected from the scene of crime can be used like a fingerprint to exclude or include a suspect in a given case. Since its discovery, DNA technology has proved to be a powerful tool in the provision of evidence to homicide investigators and other law enforcement agents. DNA can be found in a number of sources such as saliva, blood, hair, teeth, semen and bones. As early as 1980s, states began to enact laws that required the collection and analysis of DNA samples. In 1994, the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Management Consulting Assignment Research Proposal
Management Consulting Assignment - Research Proposal Example Each type of their product has a specific focus. This paper is intends to provide a clear understanding of what Taylersons Malmesbury Syrups brand is, why and how it is managed, and what are the dynamics involved in managing brands in the present context of competitive market. Taylersons Malmesbury Syrups is a privately owned company, incorporated in April 2007. All of their product processing is done at their plant in Maple Heights, Ohio. They own the real estate, building etc, and all of the manufacturing equipment are a debt free, profitable operation. Taylersons Malmesbury Syrups is inspected, and approved, by the Federal FDA, State Agricultural Department and local Health Department. The company's primary business is the manufacturing of concentrated fruit juices, cocktail mixes and beverage syrups sold to the Food Service market and to national restaurant chains, hospitals, and nursing homes. They are constantly researching and developing new products that fulfil the customers' requirements. TAYLERSON'S MALMESBURY SYRUPS are flavoured syrups, using the finest ingredients including pure Madagascan Vanilla or natural Apple & Cinnamon. The company makes it a point to use only the finest ingredient of purely natural components as raw materials in production. Another salient features of their products is that these are very easy to prepare, and are healthy for human consumption. TAYLERSON'S MALMESBURY SYRUPS Products Taylersons Malmesbury Syrups produce a wide range of flavours of Malmesbury Syrup, including: Amaretto flavouring for coffee, on ice cream, as a white wine mixer or Frappes' (Ice, milk and flavour) or fruit desserts. Apple & Cinnamon makes great coffee or flavours hot water, tea, or can be used as a dessert topping. Caramel for flavouring coffee, Frappes', ice cream, pancakes, or hot milk. Cinnamon puts a zing in apple pie and it tastes great in coffee and hot milk too. Espresso for coffees, cakes, ice cream, Frappes' Fine Vanilla on
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The most basic structure for an essay Essay Example for Free
The most basic structure for an essay Essay If you feel confident about writing essays and usually do well at it, you may be able to skip this. There are other good ways to write an essay that will work just as well and be more interesting to read. But if you have any doubts about your ability to write a good essay and get a good mark, learn this pattern and follow it to the letter. It is the fool-proof, fail-proof method that you can use right up through English 3201 and possibly beyond (though university profs often require a more complex approach to essay writing than this basic outline). First, you have to understand what a paragraph is: three to five sentences that develop a single, clear idea. When youve finished with one main idea, you move on and start another paragraph. A good paragraph often begins with a topic sentence that sums up your main idea. The most basic structure for an essay includes just five paragraphs. Paragraph One The introduction. Here you state the main idea of your entire essay the point you are trying to make or prove. This paragraph should include your thesis statement a one-sentence summary of the main idea plus three reasons why you believe this statement to be true. Paragraphs Two, Three and Four. These are the body of your essay. Remember back in Paragraph One, you gave three reasons for your opinion? Three reasons, three body paragraph. Each of the body paragraphs should take one of your reasons and explain it in more detail, giving an example or illustration to back it up. Paragraph Five The conclusion. Former Newfoundland premier Joey Smallwood once said about giving speeches: First I tell them what Im going to tell them, then I tell them, then I tell them what I told them. Thats how you write an essay. In the conclusion, tell them what you told them. Sum up your argument by restating your thesis statement and reminding the reader what your three reasons were. In an argumentative essay, you can finish with a call to action tell the reader what you would like them to do as a result.
Friday, November 15, 2019
A Perfect Day for Bananafish :: Perfect Day Bananafish
A Perfect Day for Bananafish Picture walking into a hotel room and finding a man dead on a bed. Upon closer inspection it becomes obvious that he has supposedly taken his own life with the gun that lay beside him. In talking to his wife who was asleep on the bed next to him when this incident occurred, it is learned that he just walked in the door and shot himself late the previous night. Out of the many questions that could be asked from this story, I believe that it is probably extremely important to consider why the main character, Seymour Glass, decided to commit suicide. What I believe to be the reason for Seymour’s suicide has two basic components: the spiritual depravity of the world around him, and his struggle with his own spiritual shortcomings. The spiritual problem of the outside world is mostly a matter of material greed, especially in the west, and materialism. On the other hand, his own spiritual problem is more a matter of intellectual greed and true spiritualism. In addressing the suicide, the difference should be distinguished between the "See More Glass" that we see through little Sybil’s eyes, and the Seymour Glass that we see through the eyes of the adult world. Even though these two characters are in theory the same man, they are slightly different in some ways. You could also say that they are the same character in different stages of development. Whatever the case may be, the "reasons" for the suicide shift slightly in emphasis as the character changes. "A Perfect Day for Bananafish" attempts to symbolize that the bananas in See More Glass’s story represent all of the things which are taken in along the journey to adulthood. If pursued with too much zeal, these bananas can prevent spiritual development and lead to a greater materialistic development. See-More has realized that he cannot get rid of enough bananas to make any further spiritual progress in this life, so, rather than waste time, he commits suicide. This is slightly obvious when he is taking the elevator back up to his room on the night of the suicide. His fixation upon his feet, which do not resemble the childlike feet that he desires to have, and the woman in the elevator’s scorn towards Seymour’s accusing her of staring at his feet, drive him to dislike the adult world even more.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Hear Me As I Am Essay
â€Å"What’s that you’re playing on the piano, Aubrey?†I asked my friend at a sleepover at her house. â€Å"It’s ‘Love Song’ by Sara Bareilles.†â€Å"Oh, I haven’t heard of that.†Little did I know I had heard that song before – I just didn’t recognize it. A few weeks passed and I recognized a certain type of piano playing on the radio. Aubrey plays this song, I realized. I listened to the song and I remember loving it and wanting to listen to it again. A couple months later, I watched American Idol, and the song is performed several times. A few more months pass and it’s January 2009; my parents decide to buy me an iPod. Later, I put the song on my iPod, and it becomes a favorite of mine that I realize has a lot of meaning – unlike many songs made today. That was how I came to know Sara Bareilles and her biggest hit, â€Å"Love Song.†â€Å"You are not what I thought you were†¦Ã¢â‚¬ – this was probably the most meaningful part of the whole song for me, because this was how Sara Bareilles stressed reality. Many people and advertisements today disguise themselves with lies that are not always that easy to see through. In this case the singer is talking about a person, most likely a boyfriend. And it’s true – many people today put on a fake front to try to appeal to others, like on the Internet or in Hollywood, but when you really get to know the person you discover that they aren’t what you originally thought them to be. I have experienced that with â€Å"friends†with whom I would later find out weren’t my friends at all because they really didn’t care about me or my feelings. In Sara’s situation, and in many other situations, one person is looking for real love and is serious, but the other isn’t. Hiding what you are is something that has deeply, negatively affected and continues to affect myself and many other unfortunate people. But it is a fact of life and needs to be dealt with, so I am happy that at least one other person besides me sees the truth of the matter. â€Å"Convinced me, to please you, Made me think that I need this too, I’m trying to let you Hear me as I am†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This is my favorite section out of this song because in it Sara Bareilles shows that she’s just trying to be herself. I admire someone who is themselves because it shows that they aren’t afraid of other people’s criticism. I try to do the same but sometimes it can be very difficult and it’s easy to be pressured to â€Å"blend in†with the crowd. Intimate friends can â€Å"convince [you]†to please them and others around you, but they are really not your friends if they don’t â€Å"hear [you] as [you are]†or respect your morals and ethics. Sara is letting people know that she’s not going to let anyone mess with her, and I admire that. The overall meaning of this song for me was that people need to be their own individual person. This includes not doing things just because others ask you to, but deciding for yourself whether or not it goes along with your morals and values. Like Sara, I wouldn’t write someone a love song just because they asked me to – I would wait until I found a person who really cared. Instead, Sara stood up for herself and made sure that the other person knew how she really felt. That is something that I strive to do and I hope that others do too. I do realize that it’s easier to do things when everyone else is, but that’s where your inner strength comes in. Ask yourself, do I value my friends ideas more than what I know is right or wrong? Doing this involves your conscience, and if it has been trained properly, you will make the right decision. What I mainly want my classmates to get out of my presentation – and I don’t think I’ve stressed this enough at all – is that you need to be yourself. I notice that many of my classmates feel that they have to have the latest shirt form American Eagle of that they have to get the latest song from some singer on their iPod. But focusing on these little things isn’t what’s going to get you friends and it doesn’t make you any happier. What is important is that you have your own style and way of life, and not copy everyone else. Like Hunter said the other day, â€Å"If everyone were the same, life would be pretty boring.†Well, it’s not an â€Å"if†, and because of that people need to pay attention to themselves and make sure they are not carbon copies of each other. With my friends, I don’t care what their clothes look like or what music they prefer to listen to. I care what their morals are, what their personal interests are, and if they are a good friend. But even if my classmates don’t listen to me, I’m going to care, and that’s what makes all the difference.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Has Our Political System Succeeded Essay
The political system began with the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson on July 4, 1776. After that document the Articles of Confederation came out, which were adopted in 1777. The Articles of Confederation was the first attempt to set up a government in the US. Then our Constitution came out in 1787,it was made into three plans: the Virginia Plan, New Jersey Plan, and then the Connecticut compromise. Four things our Constitution accomplished were indirect democracy, limited government, checks and majority rule, and an outline of what the different branches of government do. The US two main parties are Republican and Democrat. The Democratic Party was founded in 1828, and the Republican party was founded in 1854. Our political system has succeeded in many forms. One form would be our checks and balances within the federal government and on a local level. Provisions have been improved over the years to regulate proper placement of funds and equal rights to citizens. The origin of our political system begins with congress. The main responsibilities of congress are making laws, overseeing the FBI and CIA, casework, representing their districts, setting an agenda, and conflict resolution. Our society has relied upon a bicameral system, where there have been a House of Representatives and a Senate. Some of the responsibilities of the House of Representatives include reviewing bills and beginning the impeachment process. The Senate’s duties include giving advice and consenting on treaties, conducting impeachment trials, and appointing upper-level judicial officers. Where I feel our political system has not done so well is with bureaucrats. Bureaucracy has some positive aspects like specialization, making sure rules and regulations are carried out, and neutrality. There are two types of bureaucrats. The first one is a civil servant who is hired based on merit, and the second one is a political appointee who is selected based on whom they know. It is a common issue that bureaucrats are given too much power and that they abuse those powers, which causes flaws in our political system. It does, however, seem that bureaucrats are vital for the functioning of any political system; they are generally not well liked, though. Several attempts to reform bureaucracy have been made, such as the Sunshine laws, which are laws that dictated that agencies have to be conducted in the public eye. Privatization is another reform where the government turns over more jobs to private sectors. A good change for our society was when the Government Performance and Results Act of 1997 were introduced. This sought to improve governmental efficiency by making agencies describe their goals and create mechanisms for evaluating their goals. Overall, our political system has proven to be stable and has succeeded. Of course, there are going to be positive and negative aspects, but, at the end, for what our nation has had to deal with in the past 228 years, we have done far better than any other country.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Prince of Demons Professor Ramos Blog
Prince of Demons I started watching this show on Netflix called Stranger Things because my little cousins love it and I wanted to understand their interest. As I watched the first episode of season three and I saw their little faces focus on the story it made me curious. So, as any rational person would do, I binge watched the first season in 2 days. The show is set in the 80s in the sleepy little Indiana town of Hawkins. It starts off with what looks like a scientist running frantically through an underground hallway, he rushes to the elevator watching carefully for what is coming, then as the elevator doors closes, he hears an unnatural growl coming from inside the elevator, he is too late, the monster is there above him, as the elevator doors closed we see the scientist scream and lifted up by something that growls and something we can’t’ see. The scene shoots back to four little kids playing a harmless game of dungeons and dragons. At the end of the game, they ride their bikes home, but one kid doesn’t make it home safely. This kid sees some sort of monster in the woods near his house, he runs inside, this monster approaches his home, he runs out scared into the shed behind the house, grabs the rifle, proceeds to load it with bullets and as he is aiming at the door, the light flickers and he vanishes (Stranger Things, season 1, episode 1). This is the beginning of a series of horrifying encounters where this monster feasts on unsuspecting civilians in the dead of night then vanishes. This monster is strong, violent, and its thirst for blood is never quenched but it is not immortal. As we go on to watch the rest of season one of Stranger Things we find that even monsters bleed. For this reason, I must give this monster an A because it is terrifying but also vulnerable. As the entire town looks for the missing boy, Will Byers, other people go missing in ways that can’t be understood. However, one thing that is constant about the vanishing is that they happened at night and there was blood. Then we finally get a good look at the monster responsible for all this destruction and it is identified as a Demogorgon.  The Demogorgon was first brought to life in the fantasy role playing game Dungeons and Dragons. In the game Dungeons and Dragons, the Demogorgon is described as â€Å"a rampaging monster, said to be â€Å"the embodiment of chaos, madness, and destruction.†Unsurprisingly, he also proves himself to be one of the most dangerous demon lords invading the Underdark, and a herald of all-out destruction.†In Stranger Things, the Demogorgon is drawn out at night by blood (Stranger Thing, season one, episode 6). It is insatiable and destroys everything in its path. The Demogorgon is strong and isn’t slowed down by fire or bullets, but it is able to be hurt although it doesn’t faze this creature. Jeffrey Jerome Cohen is the writer of Monster Culture (Seven These) where he breaks down the different aspects of monsters and helps explain what purpose they serve no matter how far fetched the imagined monster or its abilities are. Of the seven theses, I have found four that apply to the Demogorgon perfectly. The first monster theory that applies to the Demogorgon is Thesis II: the monster always escapes. â€Å"We see the damage that the monster wreaks, the material remains, but the monster itself turns immaterial and vanishes to reappear someplace else†(Cohen 4). This proves to be true in Stranger Things because the monster lives in a place called the upside down where the environment is toxic to humans (Stranger Things, season one, episode 8). The monster comes out at night through a gate, hunts then goes back to the upside down and the gate closes behind him(Stranger Thing, season one, episode 6). Once the gate is closed, humans cannot reopen it easily. The gate can be opened by the Demogorgon anywhere, a tree in the forest, a ceiling of a house or the wall of a high school. Once the Demogorgon goes back through the gate back to the upside down, the gate closes behind it. The upside down is a parallel universe that can only be accessed by creating a massive amount of energy, mo re than humans are currently capable of creating, to open a tear in time and space then you create a doorway, like a gate. (Stranger Things, season one, episode 5). The upside down is also referred to the vale of shadows by the kids in the show. The vale of shadows is an evil dimension, an echo of the material plane (our dimension) where necrotic and shadow magic exist (Stranger Things, season one, episode 5). â€Å"The monster always escapes because it refuses easy categorization†(Cohen 6). Thesis III: the monster is the Harbinger of Category Crisis applies to the Demogorgon because â€Å"the too-precise laws of nature as set forth by science are gleefully violated in the freakish compilation of the monster’s body†(Cohen 6,7). The Demogorgon in Stranger Things has grey skin that looks wet all the time. It is taller than any human and slender. It has one head, no eyes, no ears but five flaps, where a face would be, that open to expose a large circle for a mouth covered in sharp teeth (Stranger Things, season one, episode 6). It has long arms and five pointed fingers on each hand. Its feet are like bird claws that are webbed. The Demogorgon is unnatural, every feature is menacing and unnerving. The only way that it looks remotely human is that it has arms, legs, a torso and a head but there is nothing human about it. There is nothing animalistic about it either; anima ls get tired and rest, if you shoot at them, they slow down eventually. The Demogorgon never slows down, it never rests, it consumes everything leaving chaos, pain and destruction in its wake. â€Å"Curiosity is more often punished than rewarded†(Cohen 12). This proves to be true for the faction of the government seeking to extend the boundaries of the human mind. In this season, a little girl with telekinetic and telepathic powers appears just when the Demogorgon is set loose, her name is Eleven (Stranger Things, season one, episode 1). In season one, episode six of Stranger Things we find out that in the 50s there was an experiment called the MK ultra, where the CIA gave human subjects drugs like LSD or other psychedelic drugs then they would strip them naked and put them in isolation tanks filled with salt water so they could float around. The subjects would lose any sense, they would feel nothing, see nothing. The purpose was to expand the boundaries of the mind. One of the subjects, Terry Ives, was pregnant at the time she engaged in these experiments. It was reported that she miscarried in the third trimester, but Terry never believed that, she believed she gave birth to a baby girl who could control things with her mind and that the government was going to use her little girl as a weapon. In the CIAs efforts to explore the unknown they came across something dangerous and something they weren’t prepared for. â€Å"one is better off safely contained within one’s own domestic sphere than abroad, away from the watchful eyes of the state†(Cohen, 12). That is why Thesis V: the monster polices the borders of the possible applies to the Demogorgon. People wanted to know more once it was discovered and everyone paid a price for that discovery whether it was with their lives or the lives of loved ones. Thesis VII: the monster stands at the threshold†¦of becoming. â€Å"monsters are our children. They can be pushed to the farthest margins of geography and discourse, hidden away at the edges of the worlds and in the forbidden recesses of our mind but they always return†(Cohen 20). As stated before, the Demogorgon brings on chaos and destruction. War, riots, active shooters and crime are chaotic, unforgiving and destructive. Humans with a lack of remorse or overcome with rage sometimes become blinded by these emotions and give in to the chaos and become entities of destruction themselves. Perhaps the Demogorgon represents the worst part of humankind. Perhaps the Demogorgon represents what would happen if we didn’t keep our selves in check, if we weren’t governed by laws. Perhaps the Demogorgon is a representation of the worst part of humankind, perhaps it represents active shooters who take so many lives without remorse, without rhyme or reason. The Demogorgon gets an A for the fear that it brings on, for what it represents and because it can be defeated. It is terrifying because it is a predator with no qualms on who it claims. It represents death and destruction, something that humankind has been capable of and proved their capabilities decade after decade. Although this monster cannot be changed, it can be killed; the death, destruction, chaos and madness that it brings can come to an end by killing it. As we see in the last episode of season one, the Demogorgon is finally destroyed when Eleven uses her powers to kill the monster. I take this as when strong people stand up to evil, that is when it comes to an end. â€Å"Article Demogorgon: Prince of Demons.†Demogorgon: Prince of Demons | Dungeons Dragons, Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. Monster Theory: Reading Culture. Chapter one Monster Culture (Seven Theses). Univ of Minnesota Press.1996. Stranger Things: Season One. Written by Ross Duffer, Matt Duffer, Justin Doble, Jessie Nickson-Lopez, Paul Ditcher, Kate Trefty, Netflix, 2016.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Description Origins of Inflation Theory
Description Origins of Inflation Theory Inflation theory brings together ideas from quantum physics and particle physics to explore the early moments of the universe, following the big bang. According to inflation theory, the universe was created in an unstable energy state, which forced a rapid expansion of the universe in its early moments. One consequence is that the universe is vastly bigger than anticipated, far larger than the size that we can observe with our telescopes. Another consequence is that this theory predicts some traits- such as the uniform distribution of energy and the flat geometry of spacetime- which was not previously explained within the framework of the big bang theory. Developed in 1980 by particle physicist Alan Guth, inflation theory is today generally considered a widely-accepted component of the big bang theory, even though the central ideas of the big bang theory were well established for years prior to the development of inflation theory. The Origins of Inflation Theory The big bang theory had proven quite successful over the years, especially having been confirmed through the discovery of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation. Despite the great success of the theory to explain most aspects of the universe which we saw, there were three major problems remaining: The homogeneity problem (or, Why was the universe so incredibly uniform just one second after the big bang?; as the question is presented in Endless Universe: Beyond the Big Bang)The flatness problemThe predicted overproduction of magnetic monopoles The big bang model seemed to predict a curved universe in which energy wasnt distributed at all evenly, and in which there were a lot of magnetic monopoles, none of which matched the evidence. Particle physicist Alan Guth first learned of the flatness problem in a 1978 lecture at Cornell University by Robert Dicke. Over the next couple of years, Guth applied concepts from particle physics to the situation and developed an inflation model of the early universe. Guth presented his findings at a January 23, 1980 lecture at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. His revolutionary idea was that the principles of quantum physics at the heart of particle physics could be applied to the early moments of the big bang creation. The universe would have been created with a high energy density. Thermodynamics dictate that the density of the universe would have forced it to expand extremely rapidly. For those who are interested in more detail, essentially the universe would have been created in a false vacuum with the Higgs mechanism turned off (or, put another way, the Higgs boson didnt exist). It would have gone through a process of supercooling, seeking out a stable lower-energy state (a true vacuum in which the Higgs mechanism switched on), and it was this supercooling process which drove the inflationary period of rapid expansion. How rapidly? The universe would have doubled in size every 10-35 seconds. Within 10-30 seconds, the universe would have doubled in size 100,000 times, which is more than enough expansion to explain the flatness problem. Even if the universe had curvature when it started, that much expansion would cause it to appear flat today. (Consider that the size of the Earth is large enough that it appears to us to be flat, even though we know that the surface we stand on is the curved outside of a sphere.) Similarly, energy is distributed so evenly because when it started out, we were a very small part of the universe, and that part of the universe expanded so quickly that if there were any major uneven distributions of energy, theyd be too far away for us to perceive. This is a solution to the homogeneity problem. Refining the Theory The problem with the theory, as far as Guth could tell, was that once the inflation began, it would continue forever. There seemed to be no clear shut-off mechanism in place. Also, if space was continually expanding at this rate, then a previous idea about the early universe, presented by Sidney Coleman, wouldnt work. Coleman had predicted that phase transitions in the early universe took place by the creation of tiny bubbles that coalesced together. With inflation in place, the tiny bubbles were moving away from each other too fast to ever coalesce. Fascinated by the prospect, the Russian physicist Andre Linde attacked this problem and realized there was another interpretation which took care of this problem, while on this side of the iron curtain (this was the 1980s, remember) Andreas Albrecht and Paul J. Steinhardt came up with a similar solution. This newer variant of the theory is the one that really gained traction throughout the 1980s and eventually became part of the established big bang theory. Other Names for Inflation Theory Inflation Theory goes by several other names, including: cosmological inflationcosmic inflationinflationold inflation (Guths original 1980 version of the theory)new inflation theory (the name for the version with the bubble problem fixed)slow-roll inflation (the name for the version with the bubble problem fixed) There are also two closely related variants of the theory, chaotic inflation and eternal inflation, which have some minor distinctions. In these theories, the inflation mechanism didnt just happen once immediately following the big bang, but rather happens over and over in different regions of space all of the time. They posit a rapidly-multiplying number of bubble universes as part of the multiverse. Some physicists point out that these predictions are present in all versions of inflation theory, so dont really consider them distinct theories. Being a quantum theory, there is a field interpretation of inflation theory. In this approach, the driving mechanism is the inflaton field or inflaton particle. Note: While the concept of dark energy in modern cosmological theory also accelerates the expansion of the universe, the mechanisms involved appear to be very different from those involved in inflation theory. One area of interest to cosmologists is the ways in which inflation theory might lead to insights into dark energy, or vice versa.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Computer Information Security Certification Research Paper
Computer Information Security Certification - Research Paper Example Consequently, it is critical to employ highly skilled persons on this area to guarantee safety of organizational information and data. To give assurance to organizations that the employee being hired has the desired skills, several certifications are offered. Computer Information Security Certification Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) certification is offered by Cisco. It is internationally recognized as the highest level certification in technical networking. For one to be CCIE certified, they have to be tested on particular skills in networking through written exams and performance assessed in the laboratory (Hochmuth, 2004). CCIE certification is divided into seven tracks including; routing and switching, security, service provider, service provider operations, storage networking, voice and wireless tracks (Hochmuth, 2004). CCIE certified persons are recognized as highly skilled engineers and secure employment in communication sector such as mobile phone service provider s and internet providers. Moreover, the individuals can be employed in organizations using information technology systems such as banks and supermarkets. Certified Computing Professional (CCP) is a senior level certification offered by ICCP. The certification is offered to Information Technology Management and Business and Systems Analysts professionals (Plishner, 2001). Moreover, it is offered to computer professionals globally. To receive this certification, one has to pass a core test in addition to scoring more than 70 percent in specialty examinations. Specialty exams are on management, procedural programming, system development, business information systems, systems programming, software engineering, database resource management and micro-computing and networks. To earn this certification one ought to have four years experience in information technology and computer field although not necessary in high tech position. One must also sign a document committing one to adhering to the code of ethics, conduct and good practice of ICCP (Plishner, 2001). A CCP certified person can be employed as a systems administrator in different organizations, can work as programmer, database administrator in institutions and the information managers in their place of work. Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) is another security certification available for computer professionals. For one to be CISA certified, one has to pass the CISA examinations. CISA exams scan be taken by any person with interest in information systems audit, control and security. Following completion of CISA exams and meeting the set work experience requirement, the candidate submits a CISA application (Plishner, 2001). The candidate must have a minimum of five years work experience in information systems auditing and control. Some professional may have this period waived for professionals such as university instructors in the field of accounting, computer science, and information systems to two years. CISA demands one to adhere to the code of professional ethics and the continuing professional education program (CPE) which ensures that certified individuals under this section continuously update themselves with new knowledge on computer security threats. In addition, CISA certified individuals commit themselves to complying with information systems auditing standards. CISA certified individuals can be employed in enterprises which demand IS audit professionals (Plishner, 2001).
Friday, November 1, 2019
Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 21
Project Management - Essay Example The basic purpose of this essay is to evaluate the importance of people management as part of project management. This essay will discuss a few examples of the projects that fail due to mismanagement of people. The key to completing projects successfully, surely, is people. In the entire project lifecycle from start till end all the activities are employable processes. For instance, defining project requirements, well stated deliverables and predicted results, project evaluation, risk management and control, project management tools, methodologies and completeness of documentation depend completely on the project team (Somani, 2014; Lock & Scott, 2013). Without a doubt, as a human being, a person performs a wide variety of roles in their daily life. For instance, they perform the role of a worker, a husband/wife, child/parent, friend, or boss. In this scenario, the success of a person in each role depends on another’s perceptions and expectations of their presentation, behaviour and attitude. On the other hand, these people are evaluated on the basis of previous expectations and learning of what establishes accomplishment of that role from their personal viewpoint. In this scenario, effective communication can help people learn each other in a much better way. They can understand the behavior of people in certain conditions, which can help build an effective relationship among people. In addition, all the phases of a project are executed by people (team members), so the success or failure of a project heavily depends on these people (Somani, 2014; Lock & Scott, 2013). In an article, Mayes (2014) discusses examples of two huge but failed projects. In fact, these projects are believed to be the huge failures. In this scenario, the first example is the  £12.4 billion National Programme for IT (NPfiT) project. This project was initiated to improve the healthcare services and patient care, while the other
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