Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Family Origin Paper - 1821 Words
Trever Sorenson Valerie Wall Individual, Family, and Society October 29, 2012 Family of Origin Paper To start my family origin paper we have to go way back to 1976 when my parents met in Alamo, North Dakota; a town of about 200 people in the northwestern part of the state. They met while going through school playing sports, mainly basketball. Both were pretty good at the sport and won some awards and had chances to play more but decided to get married and start a family instead. Both grew up around the whole farming scene. My mom actually lived on a farm growing up and also as she started her own family. My dad lived in the small town but his grandpa had a farm not far from where he grew up and also helped a lot of the local†¦show more content†¦My dad would wake us up at six in the morning and we would drive all the way to town for school at eight. My brothers and I did not want to attend country school because when we lived in town those first couple of years we had made some friends and our parents wanted us to have a healthy social life. I think also they wanted us to participate in sports more, which we did. Growing up it seemed that every night we had to stay in town until at least 8 because one of us had a sport practice or game going on. So I think that the competitiveness in sports that my parents faced growing up they wanted my brothers and I to experience that. My brothers and I loved to play sports, a lot of the time when we were not helping my dad we would be playing some sort of competitive sport which usually ended in a fight. Once we moved farther into the country my brothers and me became older and more capable of helping my dad on the farm with chores. So it was in these early years where were learn a work ethic. With having all the cows we did my dad did need help. For me being the youngest I didn’t have to help as much as my brothers. I spent more time helping my mom around the house with things she needed help with. But my dad always made sure I got my hands dirty in the corrals, whi ch I can see helped me with just being able to do manual labor with no problems, and also made me a very observant learner from watching my dad do thingsShow MoreRelatedRole Of Homeobox Geness1022 Words  | 5 Pagesof conserved genes that belong to the homeobox family. These conserved regions are characterised by an amino acid sequence consisting of ~60-61 residues that bind to a region of DNA termed the homeodomain. Additionally – HOX genes were first identified in Drosophila melanogaster for the determination of spatial orientation along the anterior-posterior (AP) axis and the proximal-distal plane (1-26 1. Molecular Biology of The Cell; [2]. Shah, N paper [3] ACAMPORA_HOX_FAMILY). 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