Thursday, August 27, 2020
INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Prologue TO STATISTICS - Essay Example Be that as it may, this relationship is frail. At long last, deals per square meter and deals floor space of the store I the main mix with a negative relationship. The two factors have a relationship coefficient of - 0.29379 which infers that when one variable expands, the other one abatements. The diagram above showcases information focuses that take after a rising line from the left hand side to the correct hand side of the chart. Despite the fact that the vast majority of the focuses are bunched to one side of the diagram, the slant of the expected (line of best fit) is sure. This shows there is a positive relationship which infers that the more the quantity of full-clocks, the more the deals per square meter. This plot underpins the determined relationship coefficient (0.237185). Since the determined t is more noteworthy than the classified t (4.876932>1.96), we neglect to acknowledge the invalid speculation and presume that the relationship exists between deals per square meter and the quantity of full-clocks. From the above chart, information focuses take after a rising line from the left hand side to the correct hand. The majority of the focuses are bunched to one side of the chart however the slant of the expected (line of best fit) is certain. This portrays there is a positive relationship suggesting that the more the quantity of seasonal workers, the more the deals per square meter. Also, it underpins the determined relationship coefficient of the two factors (0.050085). Since the determined t is littler than the organized t (1.001704
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Since ethics and profit are actually not related, what reasons are Essay
Since morals and benefit are really not related, what reasons are there to apply moral norms to business by any means - Essay Example Above all else, it guarantees that the organization gets by in the long haul as it expands gainfulness and supportability. In any case, the normal accord, more often than not, is that benefit and morals are against each other, and henceforth, if an organization is moral, it can't consider benefits. Furthermore, many accept that all together for an organization to be productive, it ought to essentially be unscrupulous. As it were, this way of thinking gives authenticity for organizations to be absolutely exploitative to make benefits. There are occurrences in the history that cause individuals to accept that morals and business are absolutely inverse elements. An ideal model is the Ford Pinto of Ford Motors. In 1978, three individuals kicked the bucket as the gas tank of the Pinto they drove detonated as it was hit in the back. It was demonstrated that the organization realized that setting the tank in the backside was defenseless. In any case, the use associated with changing the gas tank was $ 11 for each vehicle; a sum that is extensively not exactly the sum the organization would need to pay in pay for the couple of individuals who bite the dust because of blast. In this way, the organization chose not to change the situation of the gas tank. What's more, law announced the organization not answerable for the passings. This occurrence unmistakably uncovers how organization can focus on benefit absolutely dismissing what is moral. Also, such episodes create the feeling that benefit and morals are strange to one another. ... Accordingly, the as a matter of first importance moral commitment for an organization is to make benefits for its partners. As such, its moral obligation is to meet the desires for its partners including representatives and lenders. Likewise, just a gainful organization can satisfy its social duties and government assistance responsibilities. Despite the fact that it is exceptionally obvious that making benefit is not the slightest bit against gainfulness, as Bandyopadhyay brings up, there absolutely are moral inquiries regarding the strategies received to make benefit, and furthermore about the measure of benefit being made. An investigate the business world demonstrates that there are numerous enormous associations that have effectively received moral works on as indicated by socially acknowledged standards. An investigate World’s Most Ethical Companies Rank rundown figures out how these organizations turned moral; as per this, UPS, one among them, uncovers that morals is th e company’s business technique (World’s Most Ethical Companies Ranking 2008). They guarantee that being a decent corporate resident is a significant component that stays with the effective. The organization that has activities in excess of 200 nations has a morals program that satisfies global needs. The organization has composed morals arrangements and a culture that strengthens the composed approaches. Another organization that merits consideration at this stage is Google. Inside 10 years of its foundation, the organization is into various projects planned for diminishing its natural effects. As a piece of this progression, the organization tends to testing issues like environmental change, destitution, fiascos and illness. Likewise, the organization urges its representatives to partake in such activities. Likewise, there are numerous organizations like Xerox,
Friday, August 21, 2020
2018 Early Action Update - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
2018 Early Action Update - UGA Undergraduate Admissions 2018 Early Action Update With the Early Action deadline having just passed, here are a few updates about the process: Total EA Applications:14, 979 applications submitted Complete Early Action Applications as of today:10, 577 (72% of the group) # of EA Applicants Applying within 2 days of Deadline: 5,802 As you can see, a large number of the Early Action applications are complete. The biggest item that is missing right now are official test scores, and as long as they were both taken and UGA was marked as a score recipient by 10/16, we can use them. They do not need to be in by 10/22, only requested by 10/16. You can see if your SAT scores have been sent by looking at the Score Sends option on your online score report. For ACT scores, you should be able to track things by looking under the Orders and Returns tab to see when the order number was processed. If you took the 10/7 SAT, we expect that those scores will be sent to us by late October. When we receive new scores, we add them to your file and automatically update your information. We are caught up completely on importing documents, sent both electronically and by mail. If a document has been mailed to us, we are entering it into our system the day we receive it. If a document is not in by 10/22, we suggest you make sure it has been sent. One key item: A school report is not a school profile! It is a Secondary School report or Counselor letter that tells us more about you. Your Steps Be sure to check your Status Page to make sure you are complete! If items you have sent are not showing up on your Status Page, double-check with your counselor, College Board, ACT, etc. to make sure that it was sent. If a document was sent and it has been more than 10 business days, I would suggest either re-sending the document(s) or contacting us. We do not accept faxed documents, so make sure to send it electronically or by mail. Now that you have submitted your application (and it is hopefully complete), take a few minutes to relax and enjoy the fall weather. Go Dawgs!
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Great Escape of World War II
Located at Sagan, Germany (now Poland), Stalag Luft III opened in April 1942, though construction was not complete at the time. Designed to deter inmates from tunneling, the camp featured raised barracks and was situated in an area with yellow, sandy subsoil. The bright color of the dirt made it easily detected if dumped on the surface and guards were instructed to watch for it on inmates clothing. The sandy nature of subsoil also ensured that any tunnel would have weak structural integrity and be prone to collapse. Additional defensive measures included seismograph microphones placed around the camps perimeter, a 10-ft. double fence, and numerous guard towers. The initial inmates were largely composed of Royal Air Force and Fleet Air Arm flyers who had been downed by the Germans. In October 1943, they were joined by increasing numbers of US Army Air Force prisoners. With the population growing, German officials began work to expand the camp with two additional compounds, ultimately covering around 60 acres. At its peak, Stalag Luft III housed around 2,500 British, 7,500 American, and 900 additional Allied prisoners. The Wooden Horse Despite the German precautions, an Escape Committee, known as the X Organization, was quickly formed under the guidance of Squadron Leader Roger Bushell (Big X). As the camps barracks had been deliberately built 50 to 100 meters from the fence to deter tunneling, X initially was concerned about the length of any escape tunnel. While several tunneling attempts were made during the camps early days, all were detected. In mid-1943, Flight Lieutenant Eric Williams conceived an idea for starting a tunnel closer to the fence line. Utilizing a Trojan Horse concept, Williams oversaw the construction of a wooden vaulting horse that was designed to conceal men and containers of dirt. Each day the horse, with a digging team inside, was carried to the same spot in the compound. While the prisoners conducted gymnastics exercises, the men in the horse commenced digging an escape tunnel. At the end of each days exercises, a wooden board was placed over the tunnel entrance and covered with surface dirt. Using bowls for shovels, Williams, Lieutenant Michael Codner, and Flight Lieutenant Oliver Philpot dug for three months before finishing the 100-ft tunnel. On the evening of October 29, 1943, the three men made their escape. Traveling north, Williams and Codner reached Stettin where they stowed away on a ship to neutral Sweden. Philpot, posing as a Norwegian businessman, took the train to Danzig and stowed away on a ship to Stockholm. The three men were the only prisoners to successfully escape from the camps eastern compound. The Great Escape With the opening of the camps northern compound in April 1943, many of the British prisoners were moved to new quarters. Among those transferred were Bushell and the majority of the X Organization. Immediately upon arriving, Bushell began planning for a massive 200-man escape utilizing three tunnels designated Tom, Dick, and Harry. Carefully selecting concealed locations for the tunnel entrances, work quickly began and the entry shafts were completed in May. To avoid detection by the seismograph microphones, each tunnel was dug 30 ft. below the surface. Pushing outward, the prisoners constructed tunnels that were only 2 ft. by 2 ft. and supported with wood taken from beds and other camp furniture. Digging was largely done using Klim powdered milk cans. As the tunnels grew in length, scratch-built air pumps were built to supply the diggers with air and a system of trolley carts installed to speed the movement of dirt. For disposing of the yellow dirt, small pouches constructed from old socks were attached inside the prisoners pants allowing them to discreetly scatter it on the surface as they walked. In June 1943, X decided to suspend work on Dick and Harry and focus solely on completing Tom. Concerned that their dirt disposal methods were no longer working as the guards were increasingly catching men during distribution, X ordered that Dick be backfilled with the dirt from Tom. Just short of the fence line, all work came to a sudden halt on September 8, when the Germans discovered Tom. Pausing for several weeks, X ordered work to resume on Harry in January 1944. As digging continued, prisoners also worked on obtaining German and civilian clothing, as well as forging travel papers and identifications. During the tunneling process, X had been assisted by several American prisoners. Unfortunately, by the time the tunnel was completed in March, they had been transferred to another compound. Waiting a week for a moonless night, the escape commenced after dark on March 24, 1944. Breaking through the surface, the first escapee was stunned to find that the tunnel had come up short of the woods adjacent to the camp. Despite this, 76 men successfully transited the tunnel without detection, despite the fact that an air raid occurred during the escape which cut off power to the tunnels lights. Around 5:00 AM on March 25, the 77th man was spotted by the guards as he emerged from the tunnel. Conducting a roll call, the Germans quickly learned the scope of the escape. When news of the escape reached Hitler, the irate German leader initially ordered that all of the recaptured prisoners should be shot. Convinced by Gestapo Chief Heinrich Himmler that this would irreparably damage Germanys relations with neutral countries, Hitler rescinded his order and directed that only 50 be killed. As they fled through eastern Germany, all but three (Norwegians Per Bergsland and Jens MÃ ¼ller, and Dutchman Bram van der Stok) of the escapees were recaptured. Between March 29 and April 13, fifty were shot by the German authorities who claimed that the prisoners were trying to escape again. The remaining prisoners were returned to camps around Germany. In canvassing Stalag Luft III, the Germans found that the prisoners had used wood from 4,000 bed boards, 90 beds, 62 tables, 34 chairs, and 76 benches in building their tunnels. In the wake of the escape, the camp commandant, Fritz von Lindeiner, was removed and replaced with Oberst Braune. Angered by the killing of the escapees, Braune permitted the prisoners to build a memorial to their memory. Upon learning of the murders, the British government was incensed and the killing of the 50 was among the war crimes charged at ​​Nuremberg after the war.​​ Selected Sources PBS: The Great EscapeImperial War Museum: Great Escapes
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Examples Of Social Stratification In The Outsiders
In the novel The Outsiders by S.E Hinton, the author depicts a story about a young boy named Ponyboy, finding out the rights and wrongs in society and the struggle to survive. S.E Hinton brings up the meat and potatoes of the novel, that is social mobility. According to social mobility is defined as â€Å" the movement of individuals, families, households, or other categories of people within or between layers or tiers in an open system of social stratification. Open stratification systems are those in which at least some value is given to achieved status characteristics in a society.†Three main points that will be brought up about social mobility , are living conditions, power of wealth and education. Household expenditure ,†¦show more content†¦This displays that the greasers and their living conditions are totally different from the Socs. I can make a connection, some people that I know have these same living conditions banged up car old tattered clothes and just barely struggling to survive. Social status, what is it? It is â€Å"a persons standing or importance in relation to other people within a society.†( according to The social status between the socs and the Greasers are different the socs are above middle class, otherwise known as the upper class. the social status of the Socs gives them the opportunity to get away with more things, for example, the Greasers would not get away as quickly then with the Socs. For the Greasers their social status is the bottom lower than middle class to. This inequality for the greasers and the socs are unfair the fact that the Greasers are in a lower class then the Greaser gives them a disadvantage for social mobility.Although it does not really talk about the middle class in the novel, Ponyboy does mention that he does not want his â€Å" middle class â€Å" friends to see his house. The social status for the middle class people and the Greasers does not have as much of a drastic kind of difference with t he Socs. I can relate that having money and no money is really hard. By having no money it leaves you at a disadvantage to have some enjoyment in life. Even for parents, when they can’t by their kids the thing that they need and having no moneyShow MoreRelatedSocial Stratification, Class System And Ethnocentrism703 Words  | 3 PagesSocial stratification, class systems, and ethnocentrism are all parts of our society that influence our thoughts of what is normal and what is outlandish. Social stratification is a system in which society ranks and organizes people into ranks to identify them. A class system is a system which classifies people based on their social position at birth and their achievements later in life. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Passion For The Sport Essay - 1509 Words
There is always that one nagging problem in your life that always goes undervalued in the minds of others. The institution of going outside your boundaries, also known as high school, is where free time, which previously went to studying, is now coexisting with athletic activities. In high school, I was informally recruited to the basketball team by an upperclassman and that is where my passion for the sport began. The sport manifested itself into my life from television to practice, then to finding any opportunity to go out and play. Optimism for my new found passion and the school year increased, but that does not stop getting hurt in the process. Weakness in my wrist permeated my life and attacked both my education and basketball season. Experiencing injuries is a common occurrence to players and provides a time of reflection during rehabilitation. Any sort of injury is never predetermined by your personal diagnosis and should be observed by a professional. High school had just be gun and the basketball players waited patiently for the upcoming season. In the catacombs, I gravitated towards the table of my teammates. The chatter was filled with potential starting line-ups, new things they worked on over the summer, point per game projections, and the occasional supportive trash talk. Talks occurred that simultaneously became plans to play in the local park. Day after day going to play wore my body down, but the mind knows the goal of the training: to play with teammatesShow MoreRelatedThe Natural, Because My Passion Is Sports1291 Words  | 6 PagesI chose the book, The Natural, because my passion is sports. I also heard that The Natural was a blockbuster in the cinemas so I decided this had to be my choice. This book did not completely match my expectations. Before I started reading I expected that The Natural would tell the story of a baseball legend’s career and achievements. The story was almost the exact opposite. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Cultural Diversity and Organizational Commitment †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Cultural Diversity and Organizational Commitment. Answer: Introduction The global teams are located in diverse geographical locations owing to the needs of the modern business (Nordbck and Espinosa 2015). In order to succeed in this competitive world, the organizations are increasingly opting for international business expansions. This requires them to set up offices at different parts of the world for greater business success. However, the managers of the cross-border teams often face difficulties in managing the global teams. They often find it difficult to manage the disperse teams. The managers of the multinational firms realize that there are a wide number of issues that they face during the management of the cross-cultural teams. This paper would analyze the different challenges of managing global teams and explore the various aspects of this topic. The objective of this project would be to understand the aspect of difficulties faced by multinational companies when they have to manage overseas team (Gibson et al. 2014). This project would strive to explore the concerns of the multinational managers in their day to day functioning of the business. The aims of the project are to understand the conceptual framework of different issues faced in a multi-cultural team. The different aspects of the cross-cultural teams need to be understood. The various kind of the management practices in global teams need to be understood in order to understand the different challenges. This project also aims to identify the different challenges that are being faced by the global teams which prevent them from achieving operational excellence. The scope of the project considers the offices of the multinational companies which are located in diverse geographical locations. The companies are located in diverse areas and they are separated from each other by national borders. The teams that are located in the same time zones, country and same locations are outside the project scope. As opined by Luo and Shenkar (2017), there are a variety of organizational mechanisms that the multinational corporations used to integrate their dispersed operations in a global marketplace. The competitive ability of the organization depends on the effective utilization of the critical resources of the organization. It is a difficult task to manage a team with individuals belonging from different nationalities and working in diverse functions, business entities and cultures (Nordbck and Espinosa 2015). The basic purpose of a culturally diverse team is to act in coordination so that their overall organizational; mission is fulfilled. Chou and Liao (2017) argue that it is not possible for the global firms to exploit different economies of scale and ensure maximum transfer of knowledge in a global scenario. It is important that the global managers grasp the different obstacles that are needed to be successful in the global teams (Nordbck and Espinosa 2015). According to Dunning (2014), the global teams and their supervisors need to formulate judicious strategic measures so that the level of challenges is being reduced considerably (Nordbck and Espinosa 2015). The virtual teams operate in a challenging environment in which there are short durations of interaction in which they are supposed to handle difficult tasks (Gibbs and Boyraz 2015). The establishment of the virtual teams requires excellent leadership, team training, easy access to technology and understanding of different time zones, cultures and languages. It is also important to implement open lines of communication in which the team members are motivated for team success (Chou and Liao 2017). It is possible to achieve organizational success of virtual teams if the managers are well aware of the different challenges and how to handle them well. The managers should find a common communication ground in which they would be able to understand the work patterns of each other. As stated by Charlier et al.(2016), the onset of the internet and the variety of communication tools have lead to the greater disperse of the teams and they have become more diverse. It is important that the organizational supervisors demonstrate adequate amount of leadership, which would help the team to function smoothly (Rao 2015). The managers should be competent enough so that they can understand the various difficulties of the global teams. A global mindset would help in finding solutions to critical problems so that the cross border employees face least resistance and hindrances from achieving their full organizational potential (Chou and Liao 2017). The findings of Morgan, Paucar-Caceres and Wright (2014) reveals that the remote location of the employees are becoming a trends these days as they are more opted by the employees. The reason for the preference of the remote location of work is the greater savings on the costs as well as increased prevalence of the remote employees (Morgan, Paucar-Caceres and Wright 2014). The various kinds of telecommuters working for an organization are usually satisfied with the different work-life balances as well as there are lower instances of job burnout in such cases (Wildman and Griffith 2015). The employers view telecommuting as the way for ensuring recruitment of the best people who would be best fit for the various types of job roles. But, the process of development of the remote employees requires constant monitoring as well as constant support (Morgan, Paucar-Caceres and Wright 2014). The remote working options should be used to attract as well as retain the employees and well as to enh ance the project decision quality which rises from the firms ability to place different individuals in distant locations (Morgan, Paucar-Caceres and Wright 2014). The diverse teams ensure that the employees are able to contact the customers of the company on a global basis, which would improve the customer satisfaction rates. As commented by Maldonado and Vera (2014), there are varieties of structural powers as well as functional powers that are enjoyed by the members working in the headquarters of a firm. There are issues with the perception of organizational powers between the employees of the organization, which often leads to conflict in the teams. There are challenges with the monitoring as well as evaluation of the virtual teams. There are also difficulties with the measurement of performance of the virtual teams located on different geographical territories. This is because of the fact that the supervisors are not able to come face to face with the team everyday and monitor their performances on a daily basis. The findings of Morgan, Paucar-Caceres and Wright (2014) reveal that the perception of power is among one of the most important reasons of cross cultural difficulties in management. The more powerful members are likely to exploit the less powerful ones and also the vice-versa case happens in the organizations. Thomas and Peterson (2017) states that it is natural for the cross-cultural teams to have certain differences between them. There are often indifferences between the employees of different nations, which becomes it difficult to work together. There is often high degree of stereotypes which makes the employees gives poor performance. There are often instances when there is indifferent perception of each others cultural attributes. For example, the employees of America may have different perception of the cultural beliefs, languages, rituals and local perceptions of the people of Asian countries (Thomas and Peterson 2017). The American employees may not gel well with their Asian counterparts as they feel that the latter would be dirty, shabby and lack basic etiquettes. There are often instances of cultural insensitivity in which the employees belonging to one culture may not be able to respect the cultural attributes of other teams located overseas (Thomas and Peterson 2017). This may create a strong hostility between the cross cultural teams, which may affect the overall organizational performances. It is often a challenge to implement employee engagement measures for the cross-cultural teams. The employees working in the off-shore tasks may lack motivation as the employees located in the home countries (Wood and Wilberger 2015). This is because of the fact that the employees located in the hometown have the privilege of visiting office everyday, which the offshore members are unable to do. They often find it useless to do official work while staying in a foreign land. This often reduces their work output and the projects witness failure. The face-to-face communication cannot be substituted and the distant employees may feel that they have the power to do anything as they would not be monitored constantly (Thomas and Peterson 2017). The workers who are located in a distant location may find it difficult to attend the mid-night meetings and conferences as their supervisors may be located in a different time zone. The time zones pose several risk factors for the managers and they might find it difficult to manage the same (Thomas and Peterson 2017). Another key challenge of the global teams is the linguistic barriers that are often responsible for the creation of misunderstanding in between the team. The managers of the firm often fail to address the language issues of the employees and this reduces the performance of the employees as they often feel demotivated to work in these cultures (Thomas and Peterson 2017). If there is not enriching organizational culture, then the productivity of the employees would reduce to great extent. The global teams often fail in the coordination between the cross culture teams and this reduces the pace of the decision making process. The managers often find it difficult to organize and manage the reviews, meeting, seminars and interaction between the cross border employees (Gelfand et al. 2017). The employees who have their immediate supervisors and their team working abroad may feel left out and hence they may not be able to participate fully in the organizational decisions (Brantley et al. 2015). There can be slow pace of grasping of the major job responsibilities in the organization. There are certain benefits of the cross cultural teams, however, there is more number of challenges that are faced by the cross-border managers. The basis of the cross-border teams is the computer mediated communication (Brantley et al. 2015). In this kind of communication, there is absence of the non-verbal cues as well as there is indirect communication transfer that often poses difficulty for the employees (Brantley et al. 2015). There are high instances of misunderstandings that lead to low levels of trust and cohesion in the team. There may be incorrect assumptions and there are instances when the virtual team members may not be able to understand the intentions of the other team mates located in distant locations (Brantley et al. 2015). There may be misinterpretation of the facts and there are instances of incorrect assumptions that may cause interpersonal struggles (Brantley et al. 2015). The viewpoints of Lilian (2014) states that the virtual teams may lack the vision and mission as there is flexible space, time and also there are lack of visual cues. The knowledge sharing becomes a difficult job and there are possibilities of information overload (Brantley et al. 2015). There are also issues with the training of the manpower who would be using the telecommunication processes for contacting the members located in overseas location (Brantley et al. 2015). The technical glitch of the communication tools may hamper the connectivity and the cross border team may have issues contacting with the teams located in distant locations. In the event of a technical snag in the absence of technical team, then it is possible that the interruption may continue for several weeks (Brantley et al. 2015). This often hampers the team productivity and hence the employees or the team would not be able to meet organizational objectives. The management of the global teams is not only the sole responsibility of the department managers, but it is also the responsibility of the human resource managers (Brantley et al. 2015). There is often lack of participation of the human resource managers, which leads to failure of the overseas project (Germain and McGuire 2014). The HR personnel may be too busy in the office work, that they are unable to focus on the overseas employees. There are often trust issues with the foreign team members and those employees who are working in remote locations. This often ruins the interpersonal relationships and affects the team output. Conclusion There are several challenges that the international managers face while managing global teams. There are several different kinds of problems that are faced by the global teams. This review analyzed some of the main challenges and discussed major concepts. In spite of the steps taken towards reducing these differences, this is a common problem and continues to haunt the global managers. The various aspects of the cross-cultural conflicts are being explored in detail and the related concepts of the global team management are discussed. References Bower, G.H. and Cohen, P.R., 2014. Emotional influences in memory and thinking: Brantley, H., Henry, M., Sabo, S. and Young, N., 2015. Promoting Globalization: Cross-Cultural Teaching and 21st Century Learning Experiences.Promoting Global Literacy Skills through Technology-Infused Teaching and Learning, pp.147-165. Charlier, S.D., Stewart, G.L., Greco, L.M. and Reeves, C.J., 2016. Emergent leadership in virtual teams: A multilevel investigation of individual communication and team dispersion antecedents.The Leadership Quarterly,27(5), pp.745-764. Chou, T.C. and Liao, J.L., 2017. IT governance balancing global integration and local responsiveness for multinational companies.Total Quality Management Business Excellence,28(1-2), pp.32-46. Dunning, J.H., 2014.The Globalization of Business (Routledge Revivals): The Challenge of the 1990s. Routledge. Gelfand, M.J., Aycan, Z., Erez, M. and Leung, K., 2017. Cross-cultural industrial organizational psychology and organizational behavior: A hundred-year journey.Journal of Applied Psychology,102(3), p.514. Germain, M.L. and McGuire, D., 2014. 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Monday, April 6, 2020
Monday, March 9, 2020
Achebe essays
Achebe essays After reading these two essays on racism in this novel, I did realize that racism was very present. However it is present only in strong under tones and is rarely blatantly exposed to the reader. Throughout his essay, Achebe talks of how Conrad used Africa as a background or setting only, and how he "set Africa up as a foil to Europe,"(Achebe, p.251). I interpreted this idea of Africa and Africans as more of an opportunity and less of a place or people when, Achebe says "The African as a human factor," (Achebe, p.257) Achebe does a wonderful job of revealing all the hidden racist characteristics of the novel, some that people might have never picked up during a casual read. He finds specific examples from the text, and points out that there is a lack of certain characteristics among the characters. Achebe then compares the descriptions of the "Intended" and the native woman. Explaining that the native mistress "fulfills a structural requirement of the story: a savage counterpart to the refined European woman,"(Achebe, p.255). This lack of human characteristics is what Achebe says contributes to the large amount of racism within Conrad's book. If we look at it like this, I learnt in religion that human expression is one of few things that make us different from animals, along with such things as communication and reason. If these characteristics are not given to a character in a book, what is an educated reader to think about that character? Especially in this case because this book takes place du ring a time when the Europeans believed it was their right to dominate and civilize all lesser cultures. C.P. Sarvan attempts to comabt Achebe's opinion of the differences between the two women. C.P. Sarvan said that Conrad viewed the native woman as a "gorgeous, proud, superb, magnificent, terrific, and fierce."(Sarvan, p. 284) This to me is where it gets very confusing, because now these to essay writers have made me believe that the mi...
Friday, February 21, 2020
Research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 9
Research paper - Essay Example This is the overall purpose of this research. Skeletal muscle subjected to intense physical stress requires ready availability of energy resources and it is established that carbohydrate intake during exercise delays the onset of fatigue as it is a readily available source of energy. Only in the absence or deficiency of carbohydrates, other reserve sources such as body fat and protein are tapped under normal physiological circumstances. Oxidative metabolism in the skeletal muscle is upregulated by normal physiological mechanisms of gene transcription which increases the mRNA content of several genes in response to the demand imposed as a result of exercise. Carbohydrate intake is known to diminish this activity. Low availability of glycogen resources in endurance training is also known to stimulate gene expression in a manner which can prove beneficial to endurance performance. This physiological adaptation, the authors believe can be tapped for a better training method for athletes. They believe that exercise induced glycogen breakdown is maintained at an optimum level when exercise is done under fasting conditions and this facilitates energy provision from the oxidation of fat reserves in the body. A better understanding of the underlying mechanisms can help develop better training programs for athletes, which was the indirect endeavor in this study. The authors’ hypothesis is pertinent to the currently available knowledge of skeletal muscle physiology as increased interest has been generated in this field due to the increasingly competitive environment in the international arena. Studies on trained athletes are numerous and the authors’ selection of healthy individuals from normal population in favor of actual athletes is an appropriate strategy as it can yield more pertinent data about skeletal muscle activity, which is already in pre conditioned and altered state
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Women, Religion and Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Women, Religion and Politics - Essay Example But the religious doctrines often hinder the women from actively participating in politics. A notable example is the women in Arab countries who particularly remain under-represented in parliaments. When the percentage of women constitutes 16.3% across all the parliaments, it is very low in Arab countries. In Iraq women population constitutes 50% while their representation in parliament is only 31%.It may be because of the strict influence of religion on women folk. But there is a remarkable change in Africa and in Latin America where there has been an increase of more than 5 points during the past 10 years. In these countries religious rules are more liberal that enable women to participate actively in politics. The reservations allotted to women in all the parliaments are controversial even now. This is made clear by Gila Stopler when the author states: â€Å"Though modern liberal theory is commonly understood as guaranteeing similar rights to both men and women, I will argue that there exists a tremendous gap between this understanding of liberal theory and the reality of both liberal theory and liberal practice in relation to discrimination against women. A similar gap exists between the liberal attitude toward sex discrimination and the liberal attitude toward racial, ethnic, and religious discrimination.†... In USA, the Republicans could keep clear view about women, religion and politics. Their female candidate Hillary Clinton launches a contemptuous attack against the current insurance industry in USA .She accuses that the covetous reforms deliberately lying in all reform plans are based on defending their profits. She may be the first lady who publicly attacked any Americans or American industries. In USA we can't find a clear cut margin between US women's religion and politics even though the female candidates of Republican party including Hillary were the followers of Roman Catholic Religion. Structured religion in the world always has been and remains the enemy of women's rights .Roman catholic churches fought with tooth and nail against the developments of woman .Today the most dreadful enemy of women - socially, politically, and economically - is the religious constraints. Even the sexuality of women is under religious scrutiny. Religion overpowered the equal right debate. The Bible establishes women's inferior status, her unseemliness, and the god practiced a master/servant relationship. Even the Bible itself produces the evidence for gender discrimination. Ferrara and Wilson make it clear when they state: "Jesus Christ took the flesh of human nature and made it wholly his own. In the unity of the Church, a Gentile is as much an image of the Jewish Christ as a Jew; a slave is as much the image of the freeborn Christ as a citizen; a woman is as much the image of the male Christ as a man. It is arbitrary to slice up the unities in one way and not in the other. It is a b izarre fixation on gender that requires male body parts to represent Christ. In fact, it is a denial of Jesus' incarnation and resurrection alike to say that women cannot stand in persona
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Changing Nature Of Public Diplomacy Media Essay
The Changing Nature Of Public Diplomacy Media Essay In this study I will attempt to respond to several questions. The first: Is Public Diplomacy is the right tool to change world opinion toward Iraq. If the finding that it will be possible which will lead to the second question which: What the ideal action plan for Iraq Public diplomacy? The third question will be: How can government policy makers apply this strategic tool? Certainly, the initial stages of this process will be complex. The objective of this paper to be presented on later stage as policy proposal for the Iraqi government. The study begins by exploring the concept of PD and why Iraq should consider establishing PD in the foreign ministry, and its impact on Iraq foreign policy. It then and introduces the diverse methods of national reputation building. In doing so, this dissertation suggests to consider a way of understanding international relations, which is foundation of national image building through public diplomacy. Finally, based on the findings of a pilot study and online survey focusing on the national image of Iraq, this study proposes establishing a PD department (PDD) within the foreign ministry and suggestion on how to deploy public with a case study Introduction Motivation Although reputation management has historically been restricted to companies or other organisational entities, countries are also increasingly concerned with their reputation relative to other countries and have started to actively measure and manage that reputation. For an entity to achieve a certain desired reputation outcome, it has to manage as much of its exposure to various target groups. That would mean, for example, steering media coverage by closely supervising what information is made public. Iraqs reputation abroad has dramatically deteriorated. Iraq is the only nation in the Arab world whose new-formed democratic system is constantly being challenged, and constantly been projected as country with no national identity, Iraqi leaders are often compared to Saddam and Iraqi actions against the terrorist and insurgent are often described as politically motivated policies. Conditions in Iraq are often compared with those that existed in Vietnam. Why national reputation matters? National reputation is unquestionably an instrument of power. Managing national reputation and nation-states relationship with stakeholders overseas has been an integral part of foreign-policy making and public diplomacy, national reputation has a direct impact on international relations of a nation and its national policies, ranging from political, economic to cultural (Gilboa, 2006) Yet the Iraqi government has failed to prevent the deterioration of Iraqs image and reputation in the world. The main reason is the lack of awareness and understanding of the critical role PD plays in contemporary international relations. In the information age, national reputation has become a critical asset and soft power has become a major instrument of foreign policy [1] . Communication, education and persuasion are the principal techniques of foreign relations, not military force. Even the US, the sole superpower, is slowly learning this hard lesson in the Iraq war. National reputation is what peoples around the world think about a states conduct and behaviour. Therefore, a grand strategy in international conflict requires the integration and application of three fundamental components: force, diplomacy and communication. The last component, communication, may even be the decisive factor Purpose My interest in the area rose from an awareness that the level and volume of coverage on Iraq had grown enormously in the past eight years and as such, my awareness of the subject itself had grown too. After a period of widely reading about and studying PD and analysing Public diplomacy strategy in country like South Africa, Colombia, Denmark and Israel and how those countries where able to improve there image abroad, it was my belief that this area need to be explore for the benefit of new Iraq and that a by writing a dissertation I could carry out may contribute little or nothing to the sheer quantity and wealth of studies, debates and articles that already existed on these topics. By contrast, it was my understanding that Iraq reputation and the foreign audience perception on Iraq in the media was a relatively misrepresented and the area of PD hast been explored and researched by the Iraqi policy makers and as such, it was my belief that if I undertook an examination of the topic I could contribute something on how the national image can be restored. What is more, my growing interest about PD concept, coupled with a doubt bout how Iraq been presented on the media and abroad led me to question various things about why Iraq reputation and national image has been deteriorated abroad [2] and why the Iraqi government dont a strategy in restoring the national image. Is what is being reported fact or conjecture? How accurate is people perception on Iraq? The fact that Iraq has been for so much time in the news since the regime change has placed Iraq in the centre of the world map, a privilege most third-world countries will never have. After hitting headlines for years, people know very well what Iraq is and where it is, this pre-existing knowledge is a valuable asset, and as such an asset any PD campaign for Iraq should capitalise on. Are the news and image reported precise and helpful or misleading and distorting? Why does there appear to be more reporting on the effects of war on Iraq than the improvement since the regime change? Why are there so many reports about how hopeless Iraq is becoming and that Iraq cant survive without the support of the US? Objectives These questions, among some more specific ones which I will detail later, are some of the reasons that I began to be interested in the way how PD can help the Iraqi government in communicating with foreign publics in an attempt to bring the foreign public closer to home and educate them about the New Iraq, its nations ideas and ideals, its institutions and culture, as well as its national goals and current policies. My concern was about the level of information people gain from the news then I studied the news and its role as a system of information. As such, the focus of this study, examining how informative the print press was during my chosen sample and the themes that were of predominant focus of debate. The questions I would like to address are: How Iraq been reported and represented in the media; what were the media interests on Iraq? In exploring the core themes and topics in the sample I will be able to distinguish what the public perception and therefore what audiences and policy makers will understand of the messages in the press. By dealing with these questions I will be able to conclude why Iraq government should aggrievedly peruse on forming a PD department at the MFA and that strategy of PD that the department can take to deploy the PD policy and how can be benefited prior to hosting the gulf cup in 2013 Literature Study In this I will be iinvestigating the domain of literature currently available on the fields of Nation image and PD has shown to be rather problematic, with both disciplines being still vastly understudied. While the empirical section of this study deals exclusively with those concepts, there are a few surrounding disciplines which at least fall into the margins of the relevant field and thus should also be discussed Images of Nations One school of thought investigates a concept similar to country reputation, namely the images of nations, or countries. Perhaps the most exhaustive study conducted in this field is the book Images of nations and international public relations by Michael Kunczik written in 1990. Here, Kunczik discusses the idea that the world is a large and complex communication network (1990:17) in which the mass media cannot be treated in isolation. He points out that although practically anything can contribute to forming an image of another nation (Kunczik, 1990:18), there are ways for public relations to remove prejudices between peoples. In the old days one could win over an empire by marrying, today you can win over peoples by a leading article. But according to Kunczik, is because the mass media is continuously feeding people images of nations (1990:20). Another observation he makes (1990:21) is the large amount of money that is fed into international image cultivation. This, according to Kunczik, shows how important governments rate the kind of an image their country, government or policies project abroad. One of the first times the term national public relations was used explicitly was in 1978 when Herzog, Israels ambassador to the United Nations, commented that  ´from the point of view of national public relations the Israeli policy of settling the occupied territories won in wars with the Arabs had done more damage than anything else (Koschowitz 1984 as cited in Kunczik 1990:21). For purposes of this literature study, it is important also to point out the observation Kunczik makes about the then-current state of research in the area of image cultivation by states. According to him, the book published in 1965, International behaviour. A social-psychological analysis by Kelman still ranked the definitive study in that field when Kunczik wrote his work in 1990. After pointing out very few other publications dealing with Image cultivation of nations, Kunczik concludes that Fundamentallyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the literature situation on the subject area addressed here is poor [because] public relations activities tend to be especially successful the less they are recognisable as such. Very often, therefore, scientifically non-serious sources have to be resorted to such as newspaper reports, personal statements etc. (Kunczik, 1990:24). Since this publication, Kunczik has done a number of studies following up on his idea of images of nations, focussing often on the international image of crisis countries. In his most recent study, Images of Nations and Transnational Public Relations of Governments with Special reference to the Kosovo, presented at a symposium in 2004, Kunczik points out in the introduction that the mass medias reality is not factual reality and very often does not correspond to real happenings. Mass media constructs a separate reality. That criteria used to construct this reality are the so called news values. But for the recipients, who have no primary access to most things reported on, this constructed world becomes factual reality. Even in this, Kuncziks latest study, he points out the relationship between news media and images of nations is not well researched. One study that could be particular relevant to the topic of this study was Is the Media Being Fair in Iraq? by The Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology [i] In this study it was found that the Iraq image was still suffering under coups and earthquakes style of coverage, and that histographic cultural perceptions continued to affect the trend of international news coverage of Iraq by the foreign press (which include Arabic Media). This study is not only served to provide raw data that to could help to understand how Iraq been portrayed abroad in both Arab and western world. But also to assess the degree to which typical tones of stories might reflect the political agendas of publisher, owners, editors and news anchors and other key media figures. While the above-mentioned study and those laying the ground-work of images of nations appear to provide a foundation to a dissertation on Will PD fix Iraq reputation can, it is of crucial importance to highlight that the theory to be followed is that of country reputation, not images of a country. While the two concepts of reputation and image are often confused as having the same meaning, they are in fact two distinguishable terms whose differences should be realised. Image versus Reputation Reputation, as opposed to image, is seen as a strategic concept developed around long-term impressions of an organisation built around a number of corporate images and actions (Fombrun Shanley, 1990). Already then, the idea crystallised that there was a difference between the two concepts: while images were regarded as having a stationary nature, reputations were seen as dynamic. In their recent book Reputation in Artificial Societies: Social Beliefs for Social Order, Conte and Paolucci develop the core of their reputation theory upon this difference between image and reputation. The authors point out that reputation cannot be seen as a static attribute, rigidly codified as footprints of social hierarchy. Reputation rather consists of dynamic properties because reputation attribution is a mental process that takes place within communication processes. According to the authors, image is conceived as a set of evaluative beliefs about a given target and reputation as the process and effect of transmission of the image. Image is seen as an evaluative belief and is said to be a static system, while reputation is a meta belief that carries no reference to the acceptance of established beliefs (Conte Paolucci, 2002). Public Relation The public relations practice also sees vast differences between Image and Reputation two misunderstood siblings that need better management (PR influences, 2003). While image on the one hand is built, costs money, is fast and opportunistic, reputation is earned, is an asset, is careful and industrious. In the words of Brown in A Sound Reputation, Reputationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦is a dynamic, not static, quality; it changes as individual opinions change. And there are two drivers of opinion change direct experience and indirect experience (2005:1). Brown also points out that the most common form of indirect experience is media coverage, which is an important finding for this study (2003:1). In a paper titled Reputation and the Corporate Brand (Argenti Druckenmiller, 2004:369), image is defined as a reflection of an organisations identity and its corporate brand, or more specifically, the organisation as seen from one stakeholder groups point of view. Depending on which stakeholder is involved, an organisation can have many different images. Reputation, on the other hand, is defined in that study as the collective representation of multiple constituencies [stakeholder groups] images of a company, built up over time and based on a companys identity programmes, its performance and how constituencies have perceived its behaviour. In short, images are seen as multiple, stationary reflections of an organisations identity and its corporate brands while reputation is the dynamic, collective representation of the various images of a corporation as perceived by different stakeholders. While an image is a fixed set of beliefs about a corporation, reputation changes as individual opinions change. Considering the large body of literature that highlights the differences between image and reputation, it is indeed questionable if the studies that fall under images of nations are in fact relevant to a study on Iraq reputation. While image, as the above definitions point out, is indeed a part of reputation, it is not reputation per se. ` Most literature dealing explicitly with the concepts of country reputation measurement and management today, are derived from the school of corporate reputation measurement and management, however, I will be only discussing the country reputation which relevant to this study should next be discussed. Country Reputation Country Reputation Management Already in 1999, Olins compiled a pamphlet titled Trading Identities: Why Countries and Companies are becoming more alike. Here, Olins puts forward the idea: As countries develop their national brands to compete for investment, trade and tourism, mega-merged global companies are using nation-building techniques to achieve internal cohesion across cultures and are becoming ever more involved in providing public services like education and health (1999:1). Pharoah writes in Building and Managing Reputation for Countries that Countries are increasingly realising that reputation matters and if reputation matters, then reputation needs to be managed. According to Pharoah, the governments of today are Increasingly becoming the brand managers of their country (Pharoah, 2004:1). These findings lead to the idea that instruments used to manage and measure companies could be argued to apply to countries as well. Country Reputation Measurement Applying reputation measurement theories to countries was adopted on through a research survey which was conducted by The Media Tenor on behalf of the South African government, with the results being published in 2000. The studys mission [ii] was to establish a framework for South Africa to effectively manage its Public diplomacy and its vision to To further strengthen confidence in South Africas ability to host a successful FIFA 2010 World Cup In cooperation with International marketing council (IMC), [iii] developed a tool according to which South Africa reputation was measured and the findings used to devise a framework for the active management of South Africas reputation and perception prior to the world cup 2010. The tool applied was an adapted version of Media Tenor used to measure the media coverage for ogranisations and countries. The method is composed of opinion leading media, along this method, a Analysis of all texts in opinion leading media then questionnaire was designed, using Media Tenor reputation, measuring foreign public perceptions of South Africa and its competitive set, the same questionnaire was used to determine the perception of South Africa residents. That allowed the researchers to identify the similarity between internal and external perceptions of the country, or, between identity and reputation. This allowed the team to make recommendations about South Africa future reputation management efforts. The results of the study assisted the IMC team with their communication plan on how to further strengthen confidence in South Africas ability to host a successful FIFA 2010 World Cup. This approach and the instrument developed could be used for the reputation measurement o f any country They did however, highlight that in order to validate this, further research and more comparable studies would be needed. According to the authors, that tool allows governments to gain insights into which aspects in the perception of the general public drive the overall reputation of their country and how can we improved, what are the tools that can implemented, one of the method that south Africa launched was their Brand South Africa program, which also was part of the PD strategy towards improving the foreign public perception. The core of the Brand South Africa is a three-step framework whereby the first step incorporates a diagnosis of the current state of the countrys reputation, the second designing a future state thereof and thirdly managing the PD strategy.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Planning a Database for a Library :: Papers
I first needed to know who I was doing it for. It was the librarian at my school Mrs Flude she wanted to keep the information where it was safe and easy to access which would make it faster for her and the students. The two main problems of the current system are: 1st problem: They have to use an index to find books, and this is slow and very inefficient. 2nd problem: They use a card index to keep all the information needed about the students and to keep track of which students have books, this method is not reliable because you can mess up or mix up the cards or lose them and it also takes a long time which leads to inefficiency. The solution to fixing these problems is creating a database; a database is a collection of information stored in a computer in a systematic way, such that a computer program can consult it to answer questions. Before I started using the computer to make my database, I made a rough copy of what I wanted my database to look like and how it would function. It was a table which I had to fill in with information about my database. I wanted my database to be reliable and fast, to make it fast I had to make it simple and easy to use. To do this I divided it into 3 sections which are: 1) Student’s database- it would have all the names of the students in the school. 2) Book’s database- this would have all the books in the library 3) Issued books database- this would show which books were borrowed and who borrowed. They have to use a card index to keep all the information needed about the students and to keep track of which students have which books. It would be a lot easier to use a database though, for several reasons, one of which a card based index can get messed up very easily.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
A Nation Should Require All Its Students to Study the Same Curriculum Till They Enter College Essay
For any nation, the youth shapes the most vital part of their future. They would be full of hope , enthusiasm, with a zeal to strive ahead at every thing they aim to acheive. The moulding of such minds requires a proper, balanced and diversified course of education. The curriculum moulds the youth’s minds to think in that direction. With such a sensitive issue , one should be allowed to think freely, as to what one wishes to study. Indeed a nation would like its students to have coherent , national values to an extent, but I firmly believe that, to prosper, as a whole, a student must be entrusted with the decision to choose . To choose an option that will help him or her achieve their dream. In fact, a curriculum should be diversified and tailormade as per a student’s needs, not the same to be forced upon. A national curriculum, I believe , would strive to make a coherent, streamlined thinking process , for the entire student community in general. It would not encourage students to think more, to delve into their own areas of interests. This is not just in the interest or benefit of the student , it aims at a more developed nation, where all spheres of life, are truly balanced. This indeed makes a nation more diverse and strong. Instead of forcing a student to follow a particular set of norms and curriculum for the most essential part of his or her life, the youth, which shapes their future, I firmly would encourage a more adaptive curriculum, keeping all interests of the youth in mind. Not everyone would prefer fashion over engineering. Not everyone would prefer music over agriculture. A diverse curriculum promotes an all rounded nation. Once you give a student the freedom to choose , they will explore more options and in that process they will learn through experiences and engagement. It nourishes and encourages creativity, entrusts a youth with the capability of making his or her own well informed decisions. It will be a surety of a youth graduating as a complete, wholesome and well-rounded individual, not just a student.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Progressive Era Of The Gilded Age - 1465 Words
With change comes consequences. Industrialization of the United States had indirectly tarnished the Gilded Age, and now that this era was coming to an end, reformers were left to clean up the mess. Hence, the Progressive era was born. The Progressive movement was based in the urban middle class and focused on the improvement of society, the economy, and politics. Yet, the movement was not unified. Each reform group of the era had a separate goal that they would focus on. Each president also had a separate vision of national reform. Presidents like Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson were particularly influential when it came to reform, but each had a specific idea of which reforms should be instated and which should be ignored. Disunity in the Progressive Era hindered its overall effectiveness, allowing specific reform groups focused on democracy to gradually cross social, economic, and political barriers while others failed unite the nation behind their caus e. The emergence of trusts during the Gilded Age had led to poor working conditions, child labor, nativism, and poor consumer protection. To combat the trusts, reformers called for expansion of the federal government. If the federal government was to be more powerful than the trusts, then the trusts could be put down. Roosevelt was elected in 1900 starting off the Progressive era with a trust buster. Monopolies were at the center of economic corruption. In 1903 the Bureau of Corporations wasShow MoreRelatedThe Gilded Age And The Progressive Era3319 Words  | 14 PagesThe Gilded Age and the Progressive Era were times of great change for women in the United States, and women entered into a new standard of living. As times progressed and new advances were made in both society and technology, people had to learn how to adapt to those changes while still being an asset and following societal rules. The purpose of this paper is to acknowledge the reformations and changes brought to people and society by women during the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era. RegardlessRead MoreThe Progressive Era Of The Gilded Age1455 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout the progressive era there were many reform movements due to the abundance of political, social, and economical corruption in America in the gilded age as seen by political machines like William Marcy tweed and American financiers like J.P. Morgan. Some of the many issues that made themselves present in the gilded age include the large wealth gap, child labor, women’s lack of rights, influx of immigrants, Urbanization, Indian wars, monopolists, political machines, and alcoholism. All ofRead MoreThe Gilded Age : The Challenges Of The Progressive Era1344 Words  | 6 PagesThe Gilded Age was associated with many difficulties - unprecedented fortunes and poverty, urban squalor, unhygienic food production, and other issues – that many Americans were left to deal with. In the early 1900s, â€Å"widespread dissa tisfaction with new trends in American society spurred the Progressive Era, named for the various ‘progressive’ movements that attracted various constituencies around various reforms†(Andrew et al. 1). This new era was the age in which people tried to solve problemsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Gilded Age And Progressive Era1108 Words  | 5 PagesAnalysis of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era Throughout the history of time, people named certain time periods based on the events that occurred. People considered the time from the 1890s to 1916 as a shift of the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era when many things changed dramatically. The â€Å"Gilded Age†was the time of innovation, invention, and rapid growth, but the presence of monopolies sprouted everywhere in American’s economy and led to social inequalities. Then the Progressive Era responded toRead MoreThe Gilded Age : An Era Of Extreme Corruption1169 Words  | 5 PagesAmerica enters the Gilded Age from 1877 till about the 1890’s. Then the next era would be the Progressive Era beginning from where the Gilded Age left off till around 1920. Though these eras are accepted in the historical community, some historians argue that it is useless to label these two as separate eras in American history. One historian is Rebecca Edwards in her article Politics, Social Movement, and the Periodization of U .S. History. She argues that the Gilded Age and the Progressive should be knownRead MoreThe Gilded Age : A Powerhouse Rose From The Ashes Of The Civil War871 Words  | 4 PagesProgressives in the Gilded Age The Gilded Age: A powerhouse rose from the ashes of the Civil War. From the Civil War until about 1896, the Gilded Age was born. The United States was going through an era of governmental, fiscal and societal restructuring. Gilded Age got its name because Mark Twain seen as a period where everything seemed to be well on the surface but beneath was a scheme of political dishonesty and self-indulgence. Around this time, the affluent upper class was created due to theRead MoreWomen During The Civil War997 Words  | 4 Pagestraditional viewpoints of society of the time. The status of women was shifting rapidly in the Progressive Era. However, middle-class white married women still did not work outside the home. They were expected to stay home and tend to their families. Minority women, on the other hand, had to balance home life and their jobs outside of the home. An extensive advance for a change called the First Reform Era, arose in the years before the Civil War. The new movement included the efforts of social activistsRead MoreThe Gilded Age Of The Nineteenth Century And The Succeeding Period887 Words  | 4 PagesTwo prominent eras of American History were the Gilded Age at the end of the nineteenth century and the succeeding period, the Progressive Era. The Gilded Age, also know as the Second Industrial Revolution, was a peak of high economic development with the rise of technological advancements in a free market environment, meaning that the economy was driven by self-interest instead of government authority. Besides its economic growth, the Gilded Age handle changes in social divisions. After the abolishmentRead MoreThe United States Treatment Of African Americans1291 Words  | 6 Pagesthis was much better than slavery, citizenship came with many troubles of its own. The years following the Civil War, known as the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era, would prove to be, aside from slavery, some of the hardest times for African Americans in all of U.S. history. The years immediately following the Civil War were known as the Gilded Age. During the Gilded Age, African Americans were had just been freed from slavery, given the right to vote, and had many more protections under the federalRead MoreThe Progressive Movement Of The American Progressive Era1259 Words  | 6 PagesWhen it comes to the American Progressive Era there is really no other movement like it. This was a movement that had not just one but many faces that ranged from people as big as Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson to people like Jane Addams that accomplished so much. It was a movement so broad that it encompassed basically everyone and spoke not just to but for all those excluded from power. It also wasn’t just one big movement but a conglomeration of them varying from social, to economic, to
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