Thursday, May 14, 2020
Examples Of Social Stratification In The Outsiders
In the novel The Outsiders by S.E Hinton, the author depicts a story about a young boy named Ponyboy, finding out the rights and wrongs in society and the struggle to survive. S.E Hinton brings up the meat and potatoes of the novel, that is social mobility. According to social mobility is defined as â€Å" the movement of individuals, families, households, or other categories of people within or between layers or tiers in an open system of social stratification. Open stratification systems are those in which at least some value is given to achieved status characteristics in a society.†Three main points that will be brought up about social mobility , are living conditions, power of wealth and education. Household expenditure ,†¦show more content†¦This displays that the greasers and their living conditions are totally different from the Socs. I can make a connection, some people that I know have these same living conditions banged up car old tattered clothes and just barely struggling to survive. Social status, what is it? It is â€Å"a persons standing or importance in relation to other people within a society.†( according to The social status between the socs and the Greasers are different the socs are above middle class, otherwise known as the upper class. the social status of the Socs gives them the opportunity to get away with more things, for example, the Greasers would not get away as quickly then with the Socs. For the Greasers their social status is the bottom lower than middle class to. This inequality for the greasers and the socs are unfair the fact that the Greasers are in a lower class then the Greaser gives them a disadvantage for social mobility.Although it does not really talk about the middle class in the novel, Ponyboy does mention that he does not want his â€Å" middle class â€Å" friends to see his house. The social status for the middle class people and the Greasers does not have as much of a drastic kind of difference with t he Socs. I can relate that having money and no money is really hard. By having no money it leaves you at a disadvantage to have some enjoyment in life. Even for parents, when they can’t by their kids the thing that they need and having no moneyShow MoreRelatedSocial Stratification, Class System And Ethnocentrism703 Words  | 3 PagesSocial stratification, class systems, and ethnocentrism are all parts of our society that influence our thoughts of what is normal and what is outlandish. Social stratification is a system in which society ranks and organizes people into ranks to identify them. A class system is a system which classifies people based on their social position at birth and their achievements later in life. 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