Saturday, August 31, 2019
Is the Most Important Asset of an Organization
Question : â€Å"Human Resource (employees) is the most important asset of an organization. †Introduction Traditionally, human resource focused mainly on administrative functions and process personnel management. However, due to technology advancement, administrative tasks have reduced. The role of human resource has shifted and seems to be taking up more responsibility in company strategic planning and development. This theory has been supported in the work of Noe et al (2010, p. 719) Durai (2010, p. 109) stated, â€Å"Employees are the precious asset of an organization†.In view of this statement, human resource planning plays an important role to optimize the utilization of its asset in term of cost and productivity. Involvement with company’s strategic planning will allow human resource department to have a broader view of employees’ skill requirement and deployment. Ineffective planning will cause a hindrance to employee satisfactory and organization success. In this paper, we will study how the theory of compensation management, job rotation, recognition and training will motivate employees.Correspondence to these theories, organization will gain in productivity and profit once the employees are appeased with the working environment. Employee engagement with the organization Employees’ talent and efforts have tangible effects on an organization’s productivity and stability. And such efforts are often been neglected and fail to satisfy employees’ needs. When employees’ efforts are not recognized, there will be a lack of commitment to the organization. Thus, employees will not be motivated and will be less creative. Effectiveness of Compensation ManagementIn order to facilitate the achievement of an organization’s goals and key values, compensation management plays an important role in human resource management function. Employees should be managed properly and motivated by providing the best co mpensation system based on the job done and its result. A good compensation system will attract and retain skilled and productive employees. (Pattanayak B, p. 284) According to Armstrong (2002, p. 8), the compensation system consists of a total remuneration of direct financial rewards (fixed wage and variable pay) and employee benefits (annual leave and sick leave).And, non-financial rewards such is job recognition, opportunities for career advancement and personal growth are also part of the compensation system. Diagram 2 shows the list of financial and non-financial rewards that an organization can apply under the compensation system. [pic] Noe et al. (2010, p. 547) mentioned that employees’ emotion and function towards the organization is mainly influence by the compensation payout. Difference in individual personal characteristic will draw people to different compensation systems.A great solution to compensate employees in the organization is to adapt combination program rather that one program over another. List of compensation programs are merit pay, incentive pay, profit sharing, ownership, gain sharing, and skill-based pay. Merit pay is one of the best rewarding compensation programs. Employees are measured and payout annually based on the individuals performance appraisal rated by employees’ supervisor. Many companies in Singapore are adapting this compensation program for their permanent staffs. Employees will be more motivated when their performances are recognized and their basic pay is increased.Another example of compensation program is incentive pay. Incentive pay is usually seen in organization with sales team that brings in revenue and profit that will gain market share for the company. Employees with higher performance will gain in such compensation program as they measured based on the amount of products or services sold and the payout is not part on the employee’s basic pay. Payment will be earned on a weekly or monthly basis depending on the organization’s policy. Once an individual is motivated by such monetary rewards, he will sell more products and services for the rganization. However, if the compensation program is not well planned, it will have a negative effect to the organization to support its business objectives. As mentioned in the article by Daly D (2009), skilled-based pay is the remuneration to payout employees with a better skilled knowledge that related to the job. Employees who have attained new skill and knowledge will be compensated more comparing to their co-colleagues. Taking an example of a technician in a manufacturing organization, he will be rewarded once he has completed the machine repair and maintenance program.In order for him to continue to be compensated with better basic pay, he has to continue to upgrade his skillsets. Once the employees’ market value has increased, he will be motivated to contribute more to the organization and improve productivity. Effectiveness of Job Rotation & Recognition Apart from monetary rewards, job rotation has a function to motivate employees to enhance their skill knowledge and contribute more to the organization. Job rotation is systematic procedure whereby individual employee is shifted from current position or department to another in a given period of time.Employees will be multi skilled and able to support the organization when skillsets are required. When a job is less lifeless or monotonous, employees will perform better and improve productivity. Hence, employees will gain a promotion and increase their income. (Noe et al, p. 430) Effectiveness of Recognition Recognize and reward are exactly what the employees in the organization looking forward for a better growth in their career. The right motivation will influence the employees’ behavior and in return employees will achieve the organization’s goals and objective and strive for higher productivity.Once the employees are satis fied and feel rewarded, it is unlikely for them to leave the organization. Employees will dedicated their skill and time for the organization. Therefore, the management should always be enthusiastically recognizing the talented and hardworking individuals to create a healthier working environment for the employees to come to work happily every day. Effectiveness of Training and Development Engaging employees with training and development are the two fundamental components in an organization.Both training and development do co-exist, as training will provide the skillsets and knowledge for the employees’ needs in the job. Whereas, development is a process to prepare employees in gaining new skills and knowledge for forthcoming demand in the current job or a job that do not exist. When employees obtained new skills and knowledge, it will improve the quality of the work. Organization will take the opportunities to attract and retain talented employees to gain profits and product ivity. This theory is support by Noe et al. (2010, p. 87) ConclusionEmployees are still an integral part of a company, being important assets. They must be constantly motivated and rewarded financial or non-financial on effort done on the job. Thus, human resource management has to balance the needs and achieve the goals and objective of both employees and the organization. Once the employees gained the recognition from the organization, they will produce better results and profits. Reference Armstrong M, 2002: Employees Rewards, London: CIPD Publishing. Durai P, 2010: Human Resource Management, New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd.Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright, 2010: Human Resource Management Gaining A Competitive Advantage, 7th Edition: New York, McGraw-Hill. Pattanayak B, 2006: Human Resource Management, 3rd Edition: New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. Daly D, 2009. Employee Relations, Motivation, Performance Management, DeGarmo Group. Available http:// www. degarmogroup. com/index. php/2009/03/the-effectiveness-of-skill-based-pay-systems/ [1 Dec 2010] Own Referencing Employee reward Michael Armstrong CIPD Publishing, 2002 – 573 pages http://books. google. com/books? d=keiVwGxm3i0C&pg=PA363&dq=financial+and+non+financial+rewards&hl=en&ei=lELSTtXwHYLorQeht-XnDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CDcQ6AEwAA#v=snippet&q=total%20remuneration&f=false Durai P, Human Resource Management, Pearson Education India Page109 http://books. google. com. sg/books? id=cRAvCCsN2e0C&pg=PA109&dq=what+the+point+on+human+resource+is+an+asset+to+organisation&hl=en&ei=58zRTti1K9HnrAeGjOnGDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CEIQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=what%20the%20point%20on%20human%20resource%20is%20an%20asset%20to%20organisation&f=false pic] Ronel Kleynhans, Human Resource Management 2006 Page 6 Pearson South Africa, 1 Mar, 2006 – Business & Economics – 310 pages http://books. google. com. sg/books? id=8_acBYy_77oC&pg= PA6&dq=HRM+-+employee+is+an+asset&hl=en&ei=bbHRTsf8LYHTrQf1pakw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CEAQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=HRM%20-%20employee%20is%20an%20asset&f=false Human Resource Management 3Rd Ed. Biswajeet Pattanayak PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. , 1 Mar, 2005 – 504 pages http://books. google. com/books? id=dF7G0yZ51GgC&dq=compensation+management&a mp;source=gbs_navlinks_s [pic]Ultimate Small Business Marketing Guide James Stephenson, Courtney Thurman Entrepreneur Press, 4 Jan, 2007 – Business & Economics – 478 pages http://books. google. com/books? id=algx60Sbqo0C&dq=training+program+to+motivate&source=gbs_navlinks_s Industrial/Organizational Psychology: An Applied Approach Michael G. Aamodt Striking a balance between research, theory, and application, the sixth edition of INDUSTRIAL/ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: AN APPLIED APPROACH http://books. google. com/books? id=TgE7zklRjHgC&dq=training+program+to+motivate&source=gbs_navlinks_s David Daly http://www. egarmogroup. com/index. php/2009/03/the-effectiveness-of-skill-based-pay-systems/ Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Organization Behaviour Rahul Arora – 2000 – 573 pages – Full viewSarup & Sons, 1 Jan, 2000 – 573 pages Recognition & Reward Program Best Practices By Derek Irvine, Globoforce | April 15, 2011 http://www. hrmtoday. com/talent/human-resources-management/recognition-reward-program-best-practices/ Make Their Day! Employee Recognition That Works: Proven Ways to Boost Morale, Productivity, and Profits Cindy Ventrice ReadHowYouWant. com, 6 Aug, 2010 – Business & Economics – 336 pages
Friday, August 30, 2019
Branding, Pricing, and Distribution Strategies
ASSIGNMENT 3 MARKETING PLAN FOR TEACH CHINA BRANDING, PRICING, AND DISTRIBUTION STRATEGIES This section of Teach China’s Marketing Plan will focus in on key factors related to branding, pricing, and distribution: creation and development of the domestic and global product branding strategy; determination of optimum pricing strategy; looking at how the pricing strategy supports Teach China’s branding strategy, preparation of a distribution channel analysis, justification of opting for a push or pull strategy; an overall look at how the distribution strategy fits the product/service target market.It is very important that a start-up company, such as Teach China, build and develop a strong product brand. It is essential that such branding solidify the link between the values of Teach China and its customers. Because of the competiveness of the education market branding the commodities and services of Teach China must be unique. Additionally, branding education is considera bly different than branding a commodity. [ (Gupta & Singh, 2010) ] According the Dr. ’s Gupta and Singh, the movement of a globalized world to a knowledge economy opens immense opportunities for building education brands. (Gupta & Singh, 2010) ] Gupta and Singh also warn against the tendency to confuse â€Å"branding in education as making enough noise to get people to enroll. †(2010) In determining a brand for Teach China it is imperative that the numerous stakeholders in this market are taken into consideration. Gupta and Singh suggest that a â€Å"careful balancing of the stakeholders’ interest is a key requirement of the leadership of each education brand. They identify the stakeholders as, students, faculty, prospective employees, parents and society.Research of current literature show that educational services earn their repeat business by word of mouth of well satisfied and well placed individuals. [ (Gupta & Singh, 2010) ] This idea is further supporte d by a feasibility study conducted by Bradley and Griswold who posit that â€Å"most Chinese are reliant on third-party endorsements from friends and colleagues. †[ (Bradley III & Griswold, 2011) ] The branding of Teach China must also take into consideration the fact that consumers are savvier, demanding value for their money and have little brand loyalty. (Abhijit & Chattopadhyay, 2010) ] Like other service providers, Teach China will have a logo, but its main source of branding, based on current literature will be through the use of social media and word of mouth. Additionally, Teach China’s partnering with an established educational institute, as stated in an earlier section of the company’s marketing plan, will have a direct impact upon branding. For its international market, Teach China will rely heavily upon business to business publications and its Web presence to promote services offered.Teach China will also target setting up a booth or kiosk at trade shows. Dr. Young-Han Kim, et al, writing for Managerial and Decision Economic, 2006 stated compelling reasons why optimal pricing is important: Of the four P's of marketing (product, place, price, and promotion), pricing is the only T' that generates revenue for a company. Although effective pricing can never compensate for poor execution of other P's, ineffective pricing can certainly prevent careful execution of other P's from bearing financial rewards for the company (Nagle and Holden, 1995).The role of pricing becomes even more critical in the context of global market entry. [ (Kim, Aggarwal, Ha, & Cha, 2006) ] Pricing services offered by Teach China is drastically different from pricing a product. There are three different pricing strategy options available to Teach China: cost-plus pricing, competitor’s pricing, or value added pricing. Cost-plus pricing is the standard used by many businesses. Elizabeth Wasserman, editor of Inc. s technology website, quoting Jerome Ost eryoung, a professor of Finance at Florida State University and outreach director of the Jim Moran Institute for Global Entrepreneurship, states that when determining the cost of a service using this method, one must be certain to include a portion of your rent, utilities, administrative costs, and other general overhead costs. [ (Wasserman, 2012) ] This approach could return the greatest profit margin but would cause a fluctuation in price when other costs increase.According to Professor Osteryoung, one should be aware of what competitors are charging for the same service. Yet he cautions against competing on price. Instead, he suggests that service companies compete on service, ambiance, or other factors that set [them] apart,†[ (Wasserman, 2012) ] The other factor discussed by Professor Osteryoung is perceived value to customers. Osteryoung points out that setting a price for a service can be subjective.He rightly posits that pricing (for a service) becomes an art form whe n one considers that â€Å"the important factor in determining how much (a customer is) willing to pay for a service may not be how much time was spent providing the service, but what the customer perceives as the value of the service and the level of expertise,†[ (Wasserman, 2012) ] One method available for setting a price for the services offered by Teach China would be to use what has been called in some literature the â€Å"service pricing formula†.Simply put this method helps determine an hourly rate for services rendered. Desired annual salary + Annual fixed costs (overhead) + Desired annual profit ?Annual billable hour = Hourly rate The other method used by my most businesses offering a service is simply that of setting market-based rates. In the book, The Small Business Start-up Kit, the authors suggest that if your rate is too high it will result in not getting clients. (Pakroo & Repa, 2004) There is also danger in setting rates below the market value. A PDF document downloaded from www. edi. org, warns that â€Å"In a service business, people tend to think that something is wrong, if your prices are too low. They assume that the services are of inferior quality. †(Anonymous, 2012) Taking into consideration available literature research, Teach China will use a market based flat fee rate for services (including a 5% profit margin), with an offer of a discount for businesses enrolling five (5) or more employees. An internet search of prices for language courses returned a range of prices from $645 to over $2000.In order to be competitive in this market, Teach China will offer 20 courses for $1500 this will include study materials, for an additional fee students can spend two weeks in China practicing skills learned. Since these prices reflect doing business in one of China’s major cities, there will be a cost reduction of 10-20% for students from targeted cities. These projections will be adjusted as financial statements ar e prepared showing the cost of fixed assets, faculty and staff, and other operating expenses.The chosen pricing strategy for Teach China is designed to enhance customers’ perceptions about the service offered by the company (its brand). Teach China is selling a value service, offering expertise in language training and instruction. The pricing strategy chosen for Teach China will insure that the company can continue to afford and offer the best language instructors in the business. The target market of Teach China usually shop for similar services by listening to recommendation, reputation and testimonials of satisfied customers.The distribution channels most used by the industry include direct marketing via target mailing, the internet and broadcast media. Teach China will therefore follow the industry standard, specifically, the following strategies will be used to help accomplish the marketing objectives and business goals of Teach China: Direct Mail; Direct Sales; Televis ion programs; with infomercials; Internet strategies; Participation in business trade shows. In its international market, Teach China will benefit from its partnership with its designated education partner already in operation in mainland China.Chris Rimlinger wrote an article in 2011 in Franchising World in which he advocates a balance of both push and pull marketing strategies to â€Å"expand the brand's reach and attract new consumers, maintain lasting relationships with existing consumers, and meet sales goals by creating demand and satisfying existing market needs. †[ (Rimlinger, 2011) ] Teach China’s direct marketing tactics will be the push that gets the brand in front of the consumers. Teach China’s television, infomercials and internet strategies will be the pull that creates consumer demand for the service offered.Using a balance of both push and pull marketing strategies will facilitate Teach China’s brand being disseminated at home and abroad . The combination strategy will allow for specific target marketing to students, businesses and governments. Additionally, according to research conducted by Mike Sands, this type of combination strategy is the most effective way of harnessing technology to develop and control electronic customer relationship management. [ (Sands, 2003) ] Bibliography Abhijit, R. , ; Chattopadhyay, S. P. (2010). Stealth Marketing as a Strategy.Indiana University, Kelley School of Business. Retrieved May 07, 2012 Anonymous. (2012, May 9). PRICING METHODS. Retrieved from SEDI: www. sedi. org/DataRegV2-unified/capnet†¦ /pricing%20methods. pdf Bradley III, D. B. , ; Griswold, R. J. (2011). A Feasability Study to Develop a Foreign Language Academy in China. Journal of International Business Research, 19. Retrieved May 08, 2012, from http://go. galegroup. com/ps/i. do? id=GALE%7CA275130691;v=2. 1;u=tall18692;it=r;p=AONE;sw=s Gupta, M. , ; Singh, P. B. (2010).Marketing and Branding Higher Education: I ssues and Challenges. M. J. P. Hikhand University, Invertis Institute of Management Studies. Uttar Pradesh, India: Review of Business Reasearch. Retrieved May 07, 2012 Kim, Y. -H. , Aggarwal, P. , Ha, Y. -M. , ; Cha, T. H. (2006). Optimal Pricing Strategy for Foreign Market Entry: A Game Theorectic Approach. Managerial and Decision Economics. Retrieved May 08, 2012, from http://www. jstor. org/page/info/about/policies/terms. jsp Pakroo, P. H. , ; Repa, B. (2004). The Small Business Start-Up Kit. Ipswich,, MA: NOLO.Rimlinger, C. (2011, December). Push and Pull Marketing Strategies: Using Them to Your Advantage. Franchising World, 43(12), 15-16. Retrieved May 10, 2012, from http://search. proquest. com/docview/913283066? accountid=10913 Sands, M. (2003). Integrating the web and e-mail into a push-pull strategy. Qualitative Market Research, 6(1), 27-37. Retrieved May 09, 2012, from http://search. proquest. com/docview/213439175? accountid=10913 Wasserman, E. (2012, May 08). How to Pric e Business Services. Retrieved from Inc. Com: http://www. inc. com/guides/price-your-services. html .
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Human Resources Management Essay
The present state of recession in the IT Industry – as a Human Resource Manager how are you going to undertake Human Resource Planning at Macro Level to tide over this crisis? Human capital formation is acknowledged as one of the most potent sources in contributing directly and significantly to economic growth. As a result even the objectives of economic planning and priorities thereof, began to be shifted away from purely growth oriented development strategies to those that recognize and partly remedy the past neglect of such social sectors like population, planning, health, education, housing, social security and other social services. The objectives of HRP at macro level are to ensure that the organisation: a) Obtains and retains the quality and quantity of human resources it needs at the right time and place; and b) Makes optimal utilisation of these resources. Human resource planning is the formal process of linking organizational strategy with human resource practices. It is about perceiving organizational practices as a whole and not piecemeal. In a competitive climate, organizations need to use models and approaches that secure ‘uniqueness’ of operations along with enhancing ‘organizational capability’. Today, the world is going through, a global economic turmoil. This recession affects almost all the fields especially IT field. To overcome the adverse effect of the economic slowdown, we should plan an effective human resource policy at macro level. Human resource plan is designed to pay attention to shaping the priorities of the H R function than on supporting activities relating to the organization’s functioning as a whole. The economic crisis of 2008/2009 has touched every industry and profession, radically altering the hiring landscape. Major layoffs, rising unemployment, and lowered profits have reshaped the way workers are hired and fired, and dramatically highlighted the need to rethink workforce planning. Now, the question lingering over the heads of business leaders everywhere is: What will the successful post-recession business look like? Here, we wanted to find out how what steps they are taking in response to the crisis, how their priorities and practices have changed, and what they predict the HR landscape will look like as the economy recovers. This study is focus on the following objectives: 1.How HR Processes got affected by Recession? 2. What was the Reactions of Recession? 3. What HR steps Companies are taking to prepare for Recovery from Recession? 4. What are the Envision on post-recovery staffing model? 5. What are the Roles of Temporary Workforce? 6. What are Managed Serviced Program & its Benefit? First let us brief about Recession. A recession is a contraction phase of the business cycle where significant decline in economic activity lasts more than a few months, which is normally visible in real GDP real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales. The current economic recession has hardly spared any country on earth. Rich countries like USA, UK, Germany, Australia, Japan, and Canada almost all the rich countries have got badly hurt from the recession. So, there is no reason to be surprised to know that Indian economy is also getting hurt from the global economic recession. As a Human resource manager planning is one of the most important sources in contributing the economic growth. To overcome from the recession in IT industry I would like to retain and obtain pure quality of human resources all ways at the right time and at the right place. I ensure that all the resources are utilized properly .I as a human resource manager responsible for corporate plan along with organizations purpose as the top most priority. The KRA at macro level are: 1- Determine the requirement level in the organization keeping recession in mind. 2- To get the best from the resources available within the organization. 3- Assist productivity bargaining. 4- Evaluate cost of man power in any upcoming new projects coming. 5- Analyze the cost of all the overhead and value associated with it with the function 6- Need to decide whether certain activities need to be sub contracted. 7- Need to provide best training in order to retain talent. 8- Anticipate redundancies. 9- Need to forecast future requirement. 10- Serve as a basis of management development programme The human resource planning is one of the most crucial, complex and continuing managerial function. It is a multi step function with various issues. The issue which needed to cater first are 1- Deciding objective and goal.2- Estimating future organizational structure ,3- Auditing human resources,4-Planning job requirement and job description.5- development of human resource plan. In the recession time in the IT industry it is very important to relate future human resources to future enterprise need so that the return on investment on human gets maximized. The company’s human resources mamager is as much an advocate for the organization as it is for the employees. The responsibility to serve the interests and needs of both can be challenging, especially during a recession when it could difficult to sustain both the company and its workforce. The HR issues during a recession demand an even greater commitment to achieving stability for the company and assuring employees that they won’t endure the harsh effects of a recession. Strategy Strategic direction is an ongoing discussion between HR and company’s leadership. During a recession, HR Manager’s involvement in developing the company’s strategy should be a priority. Workforce planning, compensation structure and employee satisfaction aren’t just HR goals  they’re organizational goals because the workforce is company’s most valuable resource. Sustaining company’s operations and its profitability largely depends on employee productivity. The communication between HR Manager and the company’s leadership should be candid, frequent and must include communication with employees about the company’s direction. Company Status If the company is recession-proof, meaning it provides necessary products or services, the role of HR manager is to remind employees that the company is forging ahead despite an economic meltdown. As the saying goes, the only sure things in life are death and taxes; therefore, the most recession-proof businesses are likely mortuaries and accounting firms. On the other hand, if the company will be affected by a recession, HR manager’s role is to assist company leaders in describing the business strategy for staying afloat and keeping employees apprised of the company’s status and direction. Employee Communication The employee turnover during a recession could be minimal simply because companies that aren’t recession-proof are closing, which means there are fewer job market opportunities. Leaving a job with a company that is surviving the recession for another one that might not survive could be a bad decision. Therefore, HR’s primary job includes communicating with employees about the company’s status, what it’s doing to be profitable and what it needs the employees to do to ensure the company’s survival. This conveys two important messages. It says you care enough about your workforce to keep them informed and you value their contributions in helping the company make it through the recession. Job Security If I am in a position where I need to hire additional staff, ensure that I am not making any cuts to current employees’ wages. That is likely to make employees wonder if their livelihood is a priority or if the company places more value on input from outsiders. Provide training for employees to take on new responsibilities instead of recruiting an external candidate to do the job. Effective crisis management doesn’t mean eliminating training for employees, according to The Boston Consulting Group 2009 survey of HR measures. In fact, the joint survey conducted with the European Association for People Management revealed that more than 30 percent of the companies that scaled back training  individual and special training  was less effective and demonstrated lower commitment levels during a crisis, such as a recession. Training also conveys the important message that you’re investing in your existing staff, training them to work cross-functionally an d thereby preparing them for continued employment in case their current jobs are eliminated because of the recession. Layoffs If HR must lay off workers, establish a communication strategy that gives employees plenty of notice before the actual layoff. Consult the U.S. Department of Labor Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, WARN, to determine if you meet the criteria for complying with WARN regulations. Ease the blow of unemployment by scheduling the layoff so it doesn’t coincide untimely with periods such as the year-end holiday season. HR should offer outplacement services to employees who are forced to seek employment elsewhere. Outplacement services can range from career counseling sessions with experts to resume-writing services or time off from work for interviews. Compensation and Benefits HR might not be able to guarantee that employees will get year-end bonuses or even a wage increase, but HR can help employees figure out ways to increase their take-home pay. When employees have questions about their wages, tax withholding and liability or the cost of benefits, such as health insurance premiums and retirement savings ensure the company can provide answers. An HR benefits specialist can guide employees through the decision-making process by advising them to cut back on, say, charitable contributions that are being deducted from their net pay. The benefits specialist also can refer employees to resources for managing their finances, such as an employee-assistance program. Summary HR managers reported opting for a wide range of practices to respond to the severe pressures presented by the recession. These practices range from changes to pay and pensions, staffing and HR systems, to changes in working time arrangements. While pay freezes for some or all employees were common, pay cuts too operated in a substantial number of firms. Other pay-related measures adopted include lower pay or salary scales for new entrants, bonus cuts and changes in pension arrangements. In terms of headcount and staffing arrangements, changes were also pronounced in that most firms in the survey experienced redundancy (compulsory and voluntary) for some employees. Freezes on recruitment were also commonly instituted. The effects of the recession on a wide range of business and the subsequent pressures experienced by HR managers, was examined next in chapter four. The HR managers present at the focus groups outlined in detail the ways in which they were required to cut and control employee costs in response to deep and acute commercial pressures. Where participants had been taken up for much of the previous boom years with recruiting and retaining staff, the main hub of activity now for most of the participants was on finding ways to control and reduce pay and headcount. Relative to the difficulties of doing this, other areas of HR practice received less attention, although some firms reported continued recruitment efforts for specific positions or new skills sets. Some firms also took measures such as selective pay rises or promotions to retain valued staff. Others operated formal talent management programmes, though these generally predated the recession. Staff redeployment was presented as a routine measure in responding to the recession in non-union firms, but appeared to be more problematic in unionized firms, where it sometimes cut acros s agreements with unions or lines of demarcation between different jobs.
Develop an applicant attraction strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Develop an applicant attraction strategy - Essay Example Disability programs are designed to recruit persons with disabilities because they do have full rights to apply to any position. Another recruiting program is the Workforce Recruitment Program for College Students with Disabilities (Evans, Glover, & Wilson, 2007). This program provides a linkage between employers and students who have just completed their secondary school or have graduated with degrees, these students are normally disabled are ready to prove that their disability is not inability; they have zeal to put their learned skills into practice. JR Smith can adopt a post military employment program where they will establish training centers exclusive for them. The firm should indicate on their advertisement that they will offer incentives to persons who shall be recruited (Evans, Glover, & Wilson, 2007). Trainings and medical covers should include part of the incentives the target group will automatically benefit from. Flexible working hours should be included in the advert for the target group. The firm should reiterate that biasness against gender, race or disabilities shall not arise in the process of recruiting so that a massive number of people can be attracted. It is essential for the recruiting firm to put in mind that those exiting from military may not have enough experience in areas dealt with in JR Smith consultancy firm (Foster, 2003). Therefore, there is the need to establish a favorable training program for them so that they can asquint themselves. Most of them are old; therefore, it is crucial to take them sl ow, and be run through trainings that interest them. JR Smith firm will benefit greatly from training the newly recruited employees because they will have less energy directed towards supervision, fewer errors in duty delivery will be encountered; therefore, productivity and efficiency will increase. The new recruits will have a proper understanding of the
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The benefits and challenges of globalization for both companies and Literature review
The benefits and challenges of globalization for both companies and national economies - Literature review Example Unlike in the past, today governments are promoting foreign competition and investment in the local economies. Globalization has had both positive and negative impact on businesses and national economies. While some companies and economies have hugely benefited from globalization, others have been on the receiving end. This paper is aimed at identifying the various benefits and challenges of globalization to both companies and national economies. Globalization has really made the world a small place and it is the businesses that have benefitted the most out of this. Globalization has opened new markets and opportunities for the companies. Globalization has increased the opportunity for revenue generation as companies can now establish business opportunities in foreign markets through subsidiaries and partnerships. They can even export goods and products to new markets outside of their domestic market increasing generation of revenue by manifold. Companies have access to resources that were earlier not accessible. Raw materials, skills, man power are now easily and cheaply accessible to companies from different counties. The resources which were either not present or expensive in the parent country can be now be accessed in other countries anywhere in the world. Cheap labor available in South Asian countries as a result of globalization is an example of this which many big companies in the developed countries in the west have effectively. China has transformed into a manufacturing hub for companies around the world due to cheap labor and friendly trade policies. Companies have markets across boundaries for their products and services. Access to new markets has opened greater opportunity for growth and expansion. Globalization has allowed companies to reach a wider audience and develop a larger customer base. Companies are no more handicapped by competing in a matured market. They can always find new markets and
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Analysis of Types of Cell Organelles Coursework
Analysis of Types of Cell Organelles - Coursework Example As they contain water, they are able to make sure that the latter possibility remains in effect. The cell wall is a tough and flexible layer that surrounds many types of cells. It can be found outside of the cell membrane and plays the part of acting like a "pressure vessel," being able to prevent the cell from over-expanding when water enters it. They are found in plants, algae, and fungi - many organisms that need water as a part of their growth. The cell wall also filters what enters and exits the cell. The cell membrane can be found between the cellular machinery inside the cell and the fluid that can be found outside of the cell. The cell membrane is a permeable lipid bilayer that can be found in all cells, in all types of organisms. The cell membrane acts as a type of skin, separating the intracellular components from the environment of the extracellular components. The cell membrane helps to add shape to the cell and aids in the forming of tissue. The nucleus is the DNA provider of eukaryotic cells; in fact, the foremost function of the nucleus is to control gene expression as well as the replication of DNA during cell cycles. The structure of the nucleus allows it to control what it needs to, yet keeps itself away from the rest of the cytoplasm where it sees fit. The nucleus also contains pores that allow free movement of molecules and ions that need to pass through. The structure of the Golgi apparatus, the organelle that helps to process proteins for secretion, contains numerous membrane-bound stacks that are known as cisternae. The purpose of the cisternae is to modify the contents that enter the organelle based on where they would reside within the cell or organism. Each stack of cisternae on the Golgi apparatus contains five functional regions, each one capable of selectively modifying the contents of the organism. The endoplasmic reticulum is responsible for protein translation, the production, and storage of glycogen and steroids, transporting the proteins that are required within the cell, among many other functions. The structure of endoplasmic reticulum is made up of a number of cisternae, allowing the filtering of what goes inside the organelle and what is released.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Literature Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Literature Review - Essay Example These in most cases are caused by different need, or ideologies that we experience when we are brought together. Absence of negotiation can worsen the differences hence unstable relationships between societal members. This paper presents a thoughtful literature review of the importance of negotiation skills with reference to various scholarly articles and books. ElShenawy views negotiation as an important managerial skill which the success of the global environment relies on. Additionally, most interactions need the aspect of negotiation. This makes skilful negotiators are perceived as useful assets that are capable of increasing the financial performance, maintain good customer relations and ensure worker’s satisfaction (ElShenawy, 2010). Arguably, skills are very essential in the growth of any organization as it promotes understanding and inter-relationship among individuals in the organization. Today, most organizations are interested in employing individuals that are well equipped with appropriate skills like listening skills, and negotiation skills. According to Taylor, Mesmer-Magnus and Burns individuals’ ability to effectively negotiate with others like their coworkers, superiors and their juniors hence effective global workforce (Taylor, Mesmer-Magnus, & Burns, 2008). ... Ideally, skills in negotiations involve the ability to be persuasive and assertive and not confront other parties. These skills promote the effectiveness in negotiation process. Generally, communication skills are very essential in our daily activities and relationships. The only way to solve a dispute is exert the key negotiation skills in the process. However, negotiation is in most cases influenced by the power of the two parties, how they are able to influence others matters. According to Ahn, Sutherland and Bednarek, how the parties influence each other enhances the willingness to reach an agreement (Ahn, Sutherland & Bednarek, 2010). This simply means that the agreement reached to solve the differences between two parties is ideally based on the level of influence that the parties involved have towards each other as well as the case presented, and the third parties present. Briefly, steps followed while negotiating include preparation, discussion, and clarification of goals, wi n-win outcome, agreement, and implementation of the course of action. Equally, all parties involved have to participate in the negotiation process. The venue to discuss the problem, time limit, and presence of all facts of the situation need to be clarified in order to avoid further conflict and wastage of time. Then, parties involved are given opportunity to air out their views of the situation. Here, they are encouraged to listen, question and ensure clarification of ideas as each side given equal chance to present their cases. Thereafter, the two parties’ goals, interests and viewpoints need to be clarified to found a common ground. Followed by negotiation for a win-win outcome where both parties feel that their views have been taken into LITERATURE REVIEW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1 LITERATURE REVIEW - Essay Example The study subjects were categorized by sex and age after which their demographic data was taken. cyanobacteria isolates were cultured in sterile inorganic media. The research was conducted using skin patch technique in which the nurses prepared subjects’ backs using acetone and the patches applied (Ian, Ivan, Penelope, Philip, & Glen, 2006, p. 2). The patches contained aqueous suspensions of cyanobacteria which were applied for 48 hours. Dermatological assessments were carried out after 48 and 96 hours of application. The subjects were advised to keep their backs clean and not to participate in any vigorous activity that might interfere with the patches. The hypothesis that was evaluated in this research was to assess the potential of cyanobacteria to cause skin hypersensitivity reactions. The literature review mainly covered two variables: cyanobacteria and skin patch technique. These are the most important variables since they form the core of the research hypothesis. The li terature review starts by describing what cyanobacteria are and associated public health risks. Skin rashes have been reported as a result of exposure to cyanobacteria. Usually, these rashes are very pruritic and itchy (Ian, Ivan, Penelope, Philip, & Glen, 2006, p. 2). In order to understand the hypothesis, conditions that favor growth of these algae and their health effects have to be known. This literature review was therefore, very relevant to the hypothesis. The author also gives information on the reports arising from exposure of cyanobactreia especially in recreational situations. The fact that few of these reports have been reported for domestic water supplies is also reviewed. From the literature it can be seen that skin patch testing has been in used as a procedure for testing effects of cyanobacteria since 1900s (Ian, Ivan, Penelope, Philip, & Glen, 2006, p. 2). It is also indicated that 20-24 percent of volunteers reacted to cyanobactreia in a study by Pilotto et al (Ian, Ivan, Penelope, Philip, & Glen, 2006, p. 2). Therefore, the use of skin patching to assess the effects of cyanobacteria has been used successfully in several studies. This means that the same procedure can be used in this research and give good results. The literature review used in this study fully supported the research hypothesis. In the literature review the author points out that reports of skin rashes as a result of cyanobactreia have been reported. Most of these cases are as a result of recreational exposure. Very few cases have been reported as a result of poor water treatment facilities hence their presence in water supplies (Ian, Ivan, Penelope, Philip, & Glen, 2006, p. 2). There is a gap in information concerning cyanobacteria in water supplies. The literature review was somehow biased. This is because the researcher only covered two aspects (cyanobacteria and Skin patch testing) in the literature review. It could be more interesting if the author could incorporate hyper sensitivity in the literature review. Important information to be included would include types of hypersensitivity caused by cyanobacteria and long term effects of these hypersensitivity. Nevertheless, the review on cyanobacteria and skin patch testing presented in the paper gave a good background information about the field of study. Therefore literature review can be used to form a good base for a research. The literature review mainly concentrated on primary information sources. This
Sunday, August 25, 2019
STRATEGIC SUPPLY CHAIN AND LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT - Essay Example p.141.). An organization with strong supply chain integration can easily achieve competitive advantage resulting in efficient performance of the operational activities. According to Dolgui and Proth, â€Å"a supply chain is a global network of organizations that cooperate to improve the flaws of material and information between suppliers and customers at the lowest cost with the highest speed†(Dolgui and Proth, (2010), p.113). The primary objective of supply chain management is to provide high satisfaction to the customer group through effective operational processes. The task of managing efficient supply chain for meeting its objectives is known as supply chain management (SCM). Monezka and colleagues defined SCM as a concept â€Å"whose primary objective is to integrate and manage the sourcing, flow, and control of materials using a total system perspective across multiple functions and multiple tiers of suppliers†(Mentzer, 2001, p.8). Retail market is a service industry where finished goods are sold to the final consumers. The core operational activity of a retailer is to provide service to customers by selling products manufactured by different organizations. Therefore, in retailing business, the activities related to supply chain are of paramount importance. Hence, managing supply chain in retail business is more challenging as it determines the level of consumer satisfaction. The primary objective of this paper is to analyze the supply chain related issues of the supermarket and to develop a relevant and valid supply chain management for retailing business. The SWOT analysis of supermarket will help to realize its current position for framing its supply chain model. In order to support the proposal, two relevant research papers related to supply chain will be explained. Finally, the paper will be concluded by offering valid recommendations on the basis of the analyses and
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Global Warming and Temperature Increase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Global Warming and Temperature Increase - Essay Example Situation Average global temperature is the widely applied measure for global warming and time series data has been used to demonstrate the state of global warming and its reality as a threat to the world. Temperature measures, traced by different reliable and independent institutions suggest a significant and consistent increase in global temperatures, at least in the past five decades. Even though temperature variations had previously been reported, the past half-century has reported an anomaly that raises concerns. With the temperatures between the years 1961 and 1990 as the basis, relative temperature changes before the year 1950 were negative as compared to changes in the post-1950 era. Relative change averaged between -0.20c and -0.40c with a notable exemption towards the year 1879 in which the relative anomaly went above 00c. The temperature change had however been gradual, with average oscillations along the increasing pattern, and decreased thereafter for two decades. Though the change in relative anomaly later increased, the increase was not as significant as the current state. By the year 1950, the average anomaly was reported bellow 00c and has since risen, with a consistent trend, to about 0.60c. The constant pattern in the increment in the past six decades establishes the significance of global warming and even though historical trends suggest a cyclical pattern, a climax and time for such a climax have not been predicted and the general temperature rise is expected to continue. The temperature changes have also been realized in the arctic regions that are known for their extremely cold temperatures (American Institute of Physics 2013, p. 1). Empirical studies on causes of global warming suggest human activities, as opposed to natural changes, as causes of global warming. In a time series data on temperature anomaly by cause, whether caused by human activities or non-human activities, the two activities reported averagely similar degrees of contri bution to temperature anomaly before the second half of the 20th century. Effects of the two categories of phenomena had equivalent magnitudes until the year 1950 when the effects of human activities dominated effects of non-human activities in influencing positive temperature change. While the effects of non-human sources of temperature anomaly have remained constant, over the past century, being fairly bellow 00c, effects of human activities have gained significance and constantly increased to explain about 0.60c temperature anomaly. This accounts for almost 100 percent of total anomaly and suggests that human activities into the emission of greenhouse gases could be the significant cause of the global warming that has become significant in the past half-century (Lindsey 2010, p. 1). Problem Climate change due to global warming has induced diversified impact on the environment and adverse secondary effects on people’s lives. Melting of polar ice caps is one of the significa nt consequences of global warming and means mass conversion of ice into water and a consequent down flow of the water towards adverse consequences of floods and destruction of properties in the affected regions.
Friday, August 23, 2019
How does the way Americans consume food, from the grocery store to the Essay
How does the way Americans consume food, from the grocery store to the plate, reflect on Americas larger cultural values - Essay Example I will draw from my observations from WinCo foods and Whole foods to highlight the different food markets in the US and the manner in which these two groceries are marketing to the U.S. consumers while pinpointing who the Americans are and what they really want. As noted before, the Americans have a persistent habit of consuming their food directly from the grocery store to the plate, and this reflects directly on America’s larger cultural values of seeking convenience and cost-effectiveness at all times. Today, Americans are remarkably unhealthy since their diet consists mainly of excesses of cheese, sugar, starch, and red meat and hardly do they ever eat fruits and vegetables (Pollan). When it comes to food choices, many Americans opt for the convenience of ready to eat meals to cooking and enjoying meals at the dinner table as a family; families increasingly prefer the convenience of microwaveable dishes that one can consume at their own leisure. Consequently, more Americans are increasingly â€Å"cooking less and eating processed foods more (Malene 6); this highlights a critical point concerning the American culture, where individuals prefer tasks to be as easy and as cost effective as possible rather than arduous and expensive. Similarly, the American eating habit of consuming food directly from the grocery store reveals that the Americans prefer instant gratification, and that the American society has generally lost meaning of the true importance of food. Unlike the French who typically eat less but really enjoy eating their foods, the Americans eat heavily but often do not take time to enjoy their foods since they eat in a rush; I have observed that the American’s do not even have the time to chew and taste their foods. Generally, I have noted that the American culture is majorly characterized with fast-paced madness and individuals rarely have
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Agency Relationship Essay Example for Free
Agency Relationship Essay Agency relationship is a consensual relationship between two parties, where one party, the principal, gives authority to another party, the agent, to act on behalf of and under the control of the principal to deal with a third party, thereby creating a fiduciary relationship. The law of agency allows one person to employ another to do his/her work, sell his/her goods, and acquire property on his/her own behalf. Although a principal-agent relationship can be created by a contract between the parties, a contract is not necessary if it is obvious that the two parties intended to act as principal and agent. The intent of the parties can be expressed with words or implied by their actions. The principal can authorize the agent to perform a variety of tasks or restrict the agent to specific functions, but no matter how much authority is given to the agent, the agent represents the principal and is subject to the principals control at all times. More important, the principal is liable for the consequences of the actions that the agent performed, and the actions and words exchanged between an agent and a third party are binding to the principal. This is known as vicarious liability and it is the reason business owners must be extremely careful of who they hire to represent his/her company. Agency theory is the idea that the agent does not always have the principal’s best interests in mind. A voluntary, good faith relationship of trust, known as a fiduciary relationship, exists between a principal and an agent, and there are four main elements of fiduciary duty that the agent has toward the principal for the principal’s protection. The first requires the agent to exercise a duty of loyalty to the principal. An agent cannot receive outside benefits without the permission of the principal, share confidential information, fraternize with the competition of the principal, work for the principals competition, deal secretly with his/her principal, and must exercise appropriate behavior while representing the principals interests. An agent who acts in his/her own interest violates the fiduciary duty and will be financi ally liable to the principal for any losses the principal suffers due to the breach of the fiduciary duty. The second of these duties is the duty to obey instructions. This states that an agent must follow the directions of the principal unless by doing so, the agent would break the law or put himself/herself or others in danger. The third fiduciary duty is the duty of care, which states that an agent must use reasonable care to protect the interests of the principal. And the third of these duties is the duty to provide information. This duty says that an agent must give any and all information to a principal if that information concerns the principal. The duties that a principal has to an agent are the duty to reimburse the agent, and the duty to cooperate with the agent.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Homeschool vs Public School Essay Example for Free
Homeschool vs Public School Essay In this paper I plan on describing education and how it has shaped me. How education effects everyone depending on their situation, whether they are rich, poor, white, black, healthy , or disable . There is a type of education for everybody. In all three essays the authors taught us through the characters they used, the hardships and discrimination that they insured trying to seek an education if they were not considered in the right classification in society. They have taught us that nothing can stop us and we can reach to the stars for anything we want to do as long as we have the will power. As you read my essay you will see some of my own mothers hardships that she went through for us so we could get a good education. The essay tells you how you should go about to choose your education too. It proved in the essay Finishing School by Maya Angelou, how hard it was to be poor and black and get an education or be recognized in society. Even though her Mistress tried to dishonor her by changing her name and disgracing her in front of her friends Angelou had no intention on standing still for it. She might be black but she was not to be put down . She was just as smart or smarter as her mistress as far as she was concerned and no one had any right black or white , rich or poor to discriminate or change anything about her. This was a lesson Angelou taught us to do standing up for ourselves no matter how hard it may be Our education is well worth it and so are we. In the essay Indian Education by Sherman Alexie, he had it hard on the reservation. First he was picked on in school by his peers,,which is something a lot of us go through. As he got older he turned the tables and went through many hardships in his education. Finally to succeed and going to public school. He had to change his ways and get a proper education in order to become something in life. Alexie learned from discrimination and peer pressure. He learned what he had to do to make his life better and how to improve it . All the hardships Alexie, Angelou and Smith-Yackel went through did not stop any of them, they kept going and that is what is I think what makes our education the same Teachers have a way with teaching as told in the essay The Banking Concept of Education by Paulo Concept of Education (Home School vs. Public School 3 Friere. As told in the essay Friere points out how Four times Four is Sixteen can just be words unless put to use by the student . It is not just up to the teacher to teach us but up to us to take in what the teacher is trying to teach us. However, at the same time it goes without saying if a teacher knows only one way of teaching which may be memorization then that may be the only way a student can learn . So as student I think it is up to us to learn as much as we can. The teacher can only do so much, we have to do the rest . I think that is what Friere is also trying to point out to us. It is not only up to the teacher but up to us as the student too. The essay written by Bonnie Smith-Yackel My Mother Never Worked, is the one that really touched my heart the most. This is my favorite one. My mother was like Martha in many ways. Although my mother had epilepsy all of her life she volunteered to do everything for everyone. My mom was on disability but did not let that keep her down. It was society that tried to keep her, down but she refused to let them hold her back. She was a stay at home mom and did everything for us . She babysat for neighbors, friends and family. She was there at a moment’s notice if anyone had a sick child and needed her. She was a wonderful mother and wife. She went to college for child development and got her associates degree. When we started school she went to school with us every day and volunteered from eight in the morning till we got out of school each day. My moms dream was to be a teacher but because of epilepsy and disability she could not. She could still volunteer though but not get paid for her services. This did not bother my mom. To her she was still fulfilling her job as a teacher. \ When I was a child I went to public school. I learned a lot while in elementary school and some of middle school. As I got older I cared less about my education and more about fitting in. I grew up in Michigan and went to school there until the middle of the eighth grade. Starting in about the seventh grade school started being more about who was more popular and who likes who, or look at those cheap shoes that girl is wearing. For me I was more concerned about being cool and Concept of Education (Home School vs. Public School) 4 fitting in, than caring about my education. In the middle of eighth grade my family moved to Arkansas. This was very hard on me. I missed my friends very much and didnt want to start a new school. My grades did improve for a while, but that was only because I didnt have any friends to focus my attention on. I focused more on my school work. However this did not last long. I didnt fit in because it was a very small town and I was a shy kid. I then started skipping school. When my mom found out she decided to put me in home school. Education was important to her and my dad. She always wanted to make sure I succeeded in life She got me up every morning just like as if I was going to school. I had the same hours as any other student in public school. My vacations were based around the public school. If the public school had a snow day or holiday I was allowed to have that day off. Home school was good for me because I had one on one teaching which I did not have in the public school. I needed that because of me being so shy and at times I would not raise my hand if I had questions. In home school I had my mom and dad to help me. I could focus better on my school work because I was not distracted or afraid of not getting anything done . I had hands on learning with my mom, and my dad incorporated projects to go with her lessons. I remember my dad and making a computer out of sugar cubes and Styrofoam , volcano, castles out of toilet paper rolls and a lot of other projects. I was never really good in English although believe it or not my mom was very good . My mom taught me the basics of school work, while my dad taught me about cars , how to plant a garden, and taking care of animals such as pigs, chickens, cows. We had a garden with fruits and vegetables, I learned to cook for large family. I was in FFA and I won the BBQ chicken semi- finals. I learned how to live in society. I worked and had a job too. My mom taught me much more then what you can learn in a book . She taught me lives lessons just like Martha taught her children in My Mother Never Worked. She gave me the skills I needed. I learned to use those skills and so here I am today working at Lakeland Hospital now for 10 years Concept of Education (Home School vs. Public School) 5 and finally going to college and studying for a nursing Career. Audience Analysis With education comes how we the parent, teacher and student will educate or be educated. One of the toughest decisions that youre going to face as a parent is that youre going to have to decide where to send your kids to school. However, most parents at least consider the choice to choose either private school, home school or public school. You as a parent can weigh the options of what you think would be better for you and your childs education. To do this you and your child might want to weight the factors that play a part in the pros and cons of public school and ho me school and what is best for you and your child. As a parent you may feel that public schools have too many peer problems. Kids may argue with peers or pick up bad habits in public schools. There are so many children to one teacher it is hard to give one on one to the child that is quiet and needs help but wont ask and they get lost in the school system. Your child may have health issues, like diabetes or other disabilities therefore when lunchtime comes it is hard for your child if he or she has diabetes or foods he or she can not have and is forced to eat what there or just take a sandwich from home and be the outsider. As a parent or student you need to weigh what is best for the both of you. Home schooling may be the answer in this case. Home schooling is a great way to bring a family closer together, but you have to make sure your kids (and you) are getting the social interaction they need. You can set a school schedule that suits your family, travel together when its best for all of you and enjoy more family and life together . You also need to make sure you have the type of relationship with your child to listen to instruction from you as a teacher instead to a parent, You as a parent have the option to teach your child anything from bible (which most public schools do not allow) to the basics school book skills to life skills. As a working parent public school is probably better . Transportation is provided, so there is no need Concept of Education (Home School vs. Public School) 6 to worry about having a car. School buses will pick up your child to and from school. For some parents the choice is easy because of the funds and the availability of the parents time. Public schools provide the kids with an opportunity to great activities , this is important to many of you as parents and as students . Many of you want your children in activities and think this is important. Public school gives you this option , so this you might want to take into consideration also. All around development is easier in public schools. If you are worried about feeding your child at school and you are low income, they have low cost or free breakfast and lunches for your child too. So basically it is up to you on the education of your children. There are pros and cons. In Conclusion: Some kids do best when they are able to combine different options to complete their education. In order to choose the right type of school, you need to weigh all of the options open to you. My sister Amy went and graduated from public school with honors. My sister Christal received a GED., she choose to work. School was hard for her. I have an adopted sister Janice who was in special ed , she went to public school but was in special classes and received a special diploma . Now days you can do both of two worlds my sister (Chasity) has PCOS and Diabetes which made her miss a lot of school so she is doing through Coloma High School , a Coloma Virtual Academy which is a home school but works with the public school too. . She goes to school to pick classes, participates if she wishes, can graduate with her class, but her Doctors appointment’s and her health problems will no longer prevent her from her education. So my mom is home schooling her in a different way than she did me. They made a different choice of education for her. They both were good choices but for different reasons. That is why you should look into the situation before deciding what to do. As a parent your child is not the same as anyone else so they may require a different type of education just like my sisters and I did. It is you and your childs choice
Singapores Banking and Financial Services Sector
Singapores Banking and Financial Services Sector Introduction Banking and financial services sector as the part of financial system, it includes banking services, securities services, insurances services and other services. With the corresponding the agency includes the bank, securities Company, insurance company and other finance related company. Thanks to location, policy and other factors help, Singapore banking and financial services sector development rapidly. Singapore not only famous with the banking services and other financial services, but also famous with the foreign exchange and stock exchange the â€Å" Singapore Exchange†(SGX), is the 3th largest stock market in the Asia area. Attracted a lot of companies listed here, especially is the Asia area. Singapore successful with the banking and financial is no coincidence, the famous newspaper THE ECNONMIST says: WHEN it started life as an independent, separate country in 1965, Singapores prospects did not look good. Tiny and underdeveloped, it had no natural resources and a population of relatively recent immigrants with little shared history. Why did Singapore become an economic success? First, its strategic location and natural harbor helped. It is at the mouth of the Malacca Strait, through which perhaps 40% of world maritime trade passes. Second, under Mr Lee, Singapore welcomed foreign trade and investment. Third, the government was kept small, efficient and honestâ€â€qualities absent in most of Singapores neighbors. (ECNONMIST, 2015). This article wills analysis banking and financial services sector contribution on Singapore economy and challenge. With the corresponding strategic planning to keep the contribution and facing the challenge. Contribution Foreign direct investment (FDI) means that is an investment in a business by an investor from another country for which the foreign investor has control over the company purchased. (Shawn Grimsley, 2012). With economic globalization the company are need to expansion the market in the oversea and the other country also take some actions to attract the foreign company. With the booming of banking and financial market Singapore has successful attract lots of foreign direct investment. Sometime if the country can attract lots of foreign direct investment in some sector mean that this country in this sector has many perfect configuration. First is the perfect law to protect this sector profit, secondly is that has mature market, and finally is this sector in this country has preferential policy. Singapore attract lots of famous company to come here investment, for example Citibankà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’Standard Chartered Bankà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’ HSBC, and etc. Singapore ranked third, up two notches from l ast year, making it the highest-ranked country in Asia.Singapore was also rated the best among all countries in terms of the efficiency of its goods and labour markets and second for its financial market sophistication. (Sameera Anand, 2009). In interaction, Singapore banking and financial services sector attract many foreign companies and it makes Singapore economy better and better t as an Asia-pacific financial Centre. Provide a lot of employment opportunities. Since Singapore developed this sector, many jobs has been creating. A report shows that when Singapore just out of Malaysia the unemployment rate in this country was reach up to 12%. After development the banking and financial services sector, the unemployed rate decline year by year. This sector derivate banking employees, Securities industry professionals, Employees Insurance and so on. And it achieved remarkable results just like a newspaper say: Singapore had a population of 5.165 million in 2010. 2.795 million of the populations are part of the labour force. In the same year, Singapore had an unemployment rate of 2.2 percent. Singapores unemployment rate is one of the lowest in the world.(ECNONMYWATCH, 2010). Nowadays more and more local students and international students graduate in Singapore. And the baking and financial services sector provides a lot of jobs for them. Challenge Singapore facing the competition from other regions. Singapore has development banking and financial services sector many years, so Singapore has more experiences and more perfect law than the other countries. But with the other countries focus on this sector, more and more countries are narrow the distance with the Singapore. For example Asian financial center in Hong Kong has been long days, Sydney is in the field of trade business and electronic form their own unique niche, relying on the rapid growth of Chinese economy, and Shanghai its financial center is gradually recognized. A report shows that: According to Financial Development 2009 by the World Economic Forum (WEF), Hong Kong ranks 5th worldwide in terms of financial sector development. Along with Tokyo and Singapore, it stands as one of the premier financial centers in Asia. (Dan Steinbock, 2010). With the rise of these areas, Singapore will face the great challenge. Another challenge is Singapore market is too small, which very dependency of global economy. Singapore is a small country that their local market is very limited. In order to development Singapore have to expansion the oversea market. But when some exceptional circumstances Singapore financial sector will shocks, For example the 1997 Asia financial crisis and the 2008 America financial crisis was effect Singapore this sector. So this is the Singapore should face the challenge with their banking and financial service sector. Last but not least, Foreign exchange and capital market activities and other traditional financial services sector in the number and position showed a downward trend. Foreign exchange and financial services sector is very important for Singapore, is the one the most important part in Singapore economy. If it downward trend, it mean in the future Singapore will lose the competitive in this sector. And this is cannot no be ignore challenge for Singapore banking and financial services sector. Strategic planning Banking and financial services sector also need many different skill in this sector. At the same time also need some Professional knowledge to work in this sector. So the training and education is the best way to achieve this target. And Singapore also cooperation with many company to training and education their students. Citi bank is a example: Singapore – Citi Singapore and Singapore Management University (SMU) have jointly launched the first structured financial literacy program for young adults. The program seeks to equip young adults between the ages of 17 and 30 with essential personal financial knowledge and skills to give them a firm foundation in managing their money and a financial head-start early in their working lives. (Author, 2012). And to training and education the students that can make the Singapore financial sector Continuity and innovation. Establishment Orientation is Singapore in development banking and financial sector should. To become a regional financial center, because Financial Services is Singapores financial sector to maintain good competitiveness and an important source of competitive advantage, in order to encourage local personal financial center to remain competitive, government must keep on politically strong, economically stable and industrial management plan. Create a more attractive business environment. The government should take more communication and Strengthen cooperation with the company. Further strengthen Singapores tax environment and Provide better employment environment for the financial services sector. Last but no least is Enhance Singapores financial sector in the international share. 5. Conclusion (1) Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is Singapores central bank, founded in 1971, executed by government departments and professional management, which combines the functions of the Bank to Finance, and many other financial functions, including the development of financial and monetary policy to ensure stable economic growth, sustainable development financial services industries. MAS also support to education and training. SKBI is MAS cooperation with the SUM co-founder to help the students get better education in financial, which to training financial talents. And the MAS also keep communication with many company get the advise to them. Sometime MAS set the rules and regulation bank Provide a good environment for the operation of the banking and financial services sector. And do that to support the banking and financial services sector development in Singapore. (2) Banking and financial services is a crucial part of the Singapore economy, is the highest value-added service industry. Today Singapore can so well developed and well famous in the world, these achievements are inseparable from the support of the banking and financial services sector. So Singapore in the future Continue the development of this sector. Build more and better service in the world, attract more foreign company to invention in Singapore. While keeping the good side and need to innovation, with digital media revolution the banking and financial services sector should innovation. To do that make this sector make more contribution in Singapore economy.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Mother Daughter Relationships - Family Relations in Amy Tans The Joy L
Family Relations in The Joy Luck Club     One passage, from the novel The Joy Luck Club, written by Amy Tan, reveals the complex relations and emotions that are involved in families. This passage concerns the story of four Chinese women and their daughters. The author leads the reader through the experiences of the mothers as they left China and came to America. The daughters have been raised in America, as Americans. This is what the mothers had wanted although it also causes them great distress. This is illustrated in the passage I have chosen.  â€Å"My daughter wanted to go to China for her second honeymoon, but now she is afraid.  â€Å"What if I blend in so well they think I’m one of them?† Waverly asked me. â€Å"What if they don’t let me come back to the United States?† â€Å"When you go to China,†I told her, â€Å"you don’t even need to open your mouth. They already know you are an outsider.† â€Å"What are you talking about?†she asked. My daughter likes to speak back. She likes to question what I say.  â€Å"Aii-ya†, I said. â€Å"Even if you put on their clothes, even if you take off your makeup and hide your fancy jewelry, they know. They know just watching the way you walk, the way you carry your face. They know you do not belong.† My daughter did not look pleased when I told her this, that she didn’t look Chinese. She had a sour American look on her face. Oh, maybe ten years ago, she would have clapped her hands - hurray! - as if this were good news. But now she wants to be Chinese, it is so fashionable. And I know it is too late. All those years I tried to teach her! She followed my Chinese ways only until she learned how to walk out the door by herself and go to school. So now the only Chinese ... ...mes, for all members, but it is also a support network that can be beneficial for everyone. I think that as the daughters got older they realized more and more how important family is, even though it can be a source of frustration at times. Works Cited and Consulted Feng, Pin-chia. "Amy Tan." Dictionary of Literary Biography. Volume 173: American Novelists since World War II. Fifth Series.  Gale Reseach, 1996: 281 -289. Heung, Marina. "Daughter-Text/Mother-Text: Matrilineage in Amy Tan's Joy Luck Club." Feminist Studies. Fall 1993: 597 - 613. Schell, Orville. "Your Mother is in Your Bones." The New York Times Book Review. 19 March 1989: 3,28. Seaman, Donna, Amy Tan. "The Booklist Interview: Amy Tan."' Booklist. I October 19%.: 256,257. Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club. Vintage Contemporaries. New York: A Division of Random House, Inc., 1991.Â
Monday, August 19, 2019
Oedipus the King by Sopohocles Essay -- Oedipus King Sophocles Essays
Oedipus the King by Sopohocles Works Cited Not Included Throughout the play, Oedipus the King, Sophocles refers to site and blindness to relate attitudes and knowledge of the past. The irony of sight in this play can be marked by Oedipus’ inability to realize that which is evident to the reader. His extreme pride is his tragic flaw. It blinds him from the truth. Oedipus blinding himself symbolizes his increase of knowledge, his sensitivity, and gives him the ability to finally "see". He is now able to see the flaws of his hubris attitude, and the consequences of which his pride brought to him. From the very beginning, Oedipus was blinded by pride. With the city of Thebes dying, Creon comes from the god Apollo to tell how to stop the plaque. An example of Oedipus’ hubris is shown when he will not go into the palace to converse with Creon. He insists on talking in front of the crowd of citizens. Creon tells that the only way to stop the plaque is to find the killer of Lauis, the previous king. King Oedipus takes this task lightly, for he is the one who solved the riddle of the Sphinx, he surely could find the killer of royalty. This is another example of his tragic flaws, pride. When Oedipus vows to do everything in his power to find Laius’ killer, the leader of the chorus advises Oedipus that no one knows the identity of the murderer, and that the god Apollo should name him to the people. Oedipus replies "to force the gods to act against their will- no man has the power."(320) He has called on the blind seer who knows what the god Apollo sees. It is ironic that Tiresias can "see" what Oedipus can not though he suffers of old age and physical blindness. Tiresias, who is able to see the truth of the downfall of Oedipus thorough the oracle’s prophecy even in his own blindness, becomes the comparative image from which Oedipus is judged, both by himself and by others. Throughout the conversation between Oedipus and Tiresias, he will not divulge the information King Oedipus is longing to hear. "I’d rather not cause pain to you or me. So why this†¦useless interrogation? You’ll get nothing from me" (321) Tiresias says. This enrages Oedipus and he blames him for the murder, and then for conspiring with Creon to take his throne. These accusations Oedipus makes are caused by his fear of the truth he is too blind to see. This blame causes an argument... ...dentity from this man, that he even speaks of torture to get him to talk. From the way the man speaks to the other shepherd, "Damn you, shut your mouthâ€â€quite!" (346) You can tell that Oedipus is not going to like what this messenger has to say. He to owns the knowledge that is blinding Oedipus. But he will soon know and the knowledge of himself will set him free, and he will be able to understand his faults. When Oedipus finally realizes that the prophecy that he would kill his father and marry his mother had came true, he was over come with shame. He goes to Jocasta’s quarters, where she had taken her own life, and gouged out his eyes with the broach that she wore. In the end, Oedipus gains insight into his life, his failings, and the nature of the gods and fate only through his own blindness, only through accepting the truth of his lack of vision, and his inability to impact fate. Oedipus gains a compassionate, though tragic outlook because of his capacity to envision that which he could never see while he had his physical sight. Through hi s blindness, Oedipus is finally allowed the ability to see himself, and this is the irony of sight in Sophocles’ play Oedipus the King.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Viral Infections :: essays research papers
VIRAL INFECTIONS: THE TRUE WHYS AND WHAT NOWS It all started with a little tickling in my throat. I forged ahead, knowing all too well what that feeling meant, I was getting sick. I convinced myself to just not think about it and it would just go away. This whole time there was an army of alien species amassing in my bloodstream and older cells. They are horrifyingly ugly, like something straight out of H. R. Geiger’s imagination. They writhe and twitch while they are on the hunt for one of your precious body cells. One can almost imagine them squealing to one another "That’s the one fellas, that is the cell we turn into Fort Viri!!". Then they attack, attaching their bodies to the cell’s only defense, it’s outer wall. The cunning viri know this dance all too well, the cell has no chance. All too quickly the viri convince the cell, via complex chemical codes to admit the viri into its life blood, the cytoplasm. Soon they would turn this doomed c ell into a virus nursery, churning out countless clones of the virus that converted the original cell. I now must resign myself to the fact that I have somehow come into contact with a virus and it has started to multiply in my body. By now the symptoms are undeniable and all encompassing. I have the flu. Viral infections are caused by a host organism taking in and precipitating the reproduction of viruses. These infections bring with them a miriad of symtoms including, but not restricted to fever, general achiness, increased mucous production, and general sluggishness. This entire chain of events starts when a person comes into contact with a virus. This can happen a number of ways: contact with infected body fluids, contact with the mucous membranes of an infected person, and even inhalation of airborne viri. When one comes into contact with a virus, it wastes no time in making your body it’s new home. It quickly finds a body cell to reproduce in, usually in the body system in which it found access to the body. For example a virus that is inhaled will usually take up residence in the lungs or throat of the host animal. Since the virus has no internal reproductive system, it finds a cell to invade and latches on to it’s cellular membrane. It does this using specialized protein chains, these act as tiny fishing hooks permanently attaching the virus to the host cell. Viral Infections :: essays research papers VIRAL INFECTIONS: THE TRUE WHYS AND WHAT NOWS It all started with a little tickling in my throat. I forged ahead, knowing all too well what that feeling meant, I was getting sick. I convinced myself to just not think about it and it would just go away. This whole time there was an army of alien species amassing in my bloodstream and older cells. They are horrifyingly ugly, like something straight out of H. R. Geiger’s imagination. They writhe and twitch while they are on the hunt for one of your precious body cells. One can almost imagine them squealing to one another "That’s the one fellas, that is the cell we turn into Fort Viri!!". Then they attack, attaching their bodies to the cell’s only defense, it’s outer wall. The cunning viri know this dance all too well, the cell has no chance. All too quickly the viri convince the cell, via complex chemical codes to admit the viri into its life blood, the cytoplasm. Soon they would turn this doomed c ell into a virus nursery, churning out countless clones of the virus that converted the original cell. I now must resign myself to the fact that I have somehow come into contact with a virus and it has started to multiply in my body. By now the symptoms are undeniable and all encompassing. I have the flu. Viral infections are caused by a host organism taking in and precipitating the reproduction of viruses. These infections bring with them a miriad of symtoms including, but not restricted to fever, general achiness, increased mucous production, and general sluggishness. This entire chain of events starts when a person comes into contact with a virus. This can happen a number of ways: contact with infected body fluids, contact with the mucous membranes of an infected person, and even inhalation of airborne viri. When one comes into contact with a virus, it wastes no time in making your body it’s new home. It quickly finds a body cell to reproduce in, usually in the body system in which it found access to the body. For example a virus that is inhaled will usually take up residence in the lungs or throat of the host animal. Since the virus has no internal reproductive system, it finds a cell to invade and latches on to it’s cellular membrane. It does this using specialized protein chains, these act as tiny fishing hooks permanently attaching the virus to the host cell.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Analysis of Domestic Water Consumption
TECHNICAL REPORT OF STUDENT INDUSTRIAL WORK EXPERIENCE SCHEME(SIWES) WITH ABUJA MUNICIPAL AREA COUNCIL(AMAC)ABUJA PESENTED BY ADEYEMI ISAAC SHOLA UJ/2008/EV/0222 SUBMMITED TO THE DEPARTMENT OFGEOGRAPHY AND PLANNING FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,UNIVERSITY OF JOS IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B. Sc Hons)DEGREE PROGRAMME IN GEOGRAPHY AND PLANNING. NOVEMBER, 2012. DEDICATION This report is dedicated to God Almighty my creator.To my parents, Mr. & Mrs. ADEYEMI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My sincere gratitude goes to God almighty for his guidance and grace given to me throughout my six month industrial training. I remain grateful to my parents for their effort and support towards my education. My gratitude also goes to my departmental supervisors Mrs. L. S Rikko and Mrs. Simi, for setting out time to come and see us in our place of primary assignment. I want to thank my industrial based supervisor Mr.Ali Adamu and the entire staff of the zonal plannin g office for their assistance. Much gratitude goes to my head of department and to all the staff of the department of geography and planning, university of Jos. Finally, I want to say thank you to all my friends who have been of great encouragement to me throughout this period, I remain grateful. ABSTRACT The Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a program which has been organized by the federal government through the industrial training und (ITF) for Nigeria institutions in order to enlighten the students on the usage of equipment and professional practice in their different fields of study. In fulfillment of my study as a geography and planning students, I carried out my six month industrial training in the survey and planning unit office Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC), located at area 10 Garki, Abuja. This report comprises of the organization chart of Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA), urban and regional planning department and also Abuja Municipal Area Council(AMAC). his report also contains the functions of the zonal planning office, functions of the urban and regional planning department and also the activities I participated in and experiences I gained. Some of the problems encountered during the exercise and possible solutions, were not left out. In conclusion I recommended ways of improving the program and also support of the program by the federal government. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Dedication Acknowledgement Abstract CHAPTER ONE 1. 0 Introduction 1. 1 Industrial Training Fund 1. Brief History of SIWES 1. 3 Objectives of SIWES 1. 4 Relevance of SIWES to Urban and Regional Planning CHAPTER ONE 1. 0 INTRODUCTION The Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme is a program which involves the students, the universities and the industry. The siwes forms a part of the approved minimum academic standards in various degree program in Nigerian universities. The scheme is funded by the Federal Government of Nigeria and is coor dinated by the Industrial Training Fund and the National Universities Commission (NUC 1996).The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme, bridges the gap between theory and practice and also it is aimed at exposing students to machines and equipments, professional work methods and ways of safe guarding work areas and organizations. This report contains the work undertaken, new knowledge learnt and problems encountered by the student during the six months industrial training in zonal planning office Abuja municipal area council located at area 10 Garki, Abuja. Solution to the problem are also included. 1. 1 INDUSTRIAL TRAINNING FUND(ITF)The industrial training fund was established in 1971 as a man power development agency for the federal government of Nigeria. The provision of decree 47 of 8th October 1971,empower industrial training fund (ITF) to promote and encourage the acquisition of skills in industry and co mmerce with a view to generate pool of indigenous trained manpower su fficient to meet the needs of the Nigeria economy. A clause was invented by the ITF in 1978 in the policy statement no. 1 dealing with issues of practical skills among locally trained professionals.Selection 15 of the policy, states that internal emphasis will be place on certain product of post-secondary to adopt or orientate easily on their possible post-graduation for environment. 1. 2 BRIEF HISTORY OF STUDENT INDUSTRIAL WORK EXPERIENCE SCHEME(SIWES) The student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) came into being with the establishment of industrial training fund (ITF) by the federal government of Nigeria in 1973 under the degree of 47 of 1971 in other to boost indigenous capacity of the nation’s industrial need.This was brought about by the federal ministry of commerce and industries, finance, education in collaboration with NUC and board of technical education (NUBTE) who thought that the main aim of training and exposing students to industrial fields is to give th em practical knowledge of what they have been thought in their respective courses. The first started on the 8th of October 1974 with few number of students from different institutions which later increased to a large number of students in tertiary institutions nationwide. 1. 3 OBJECTIVES OF SIWES To provide an avenue for students in Nigeria Universities to acquire industrial skills and experience in their course of study. 2 To prepare students on anticipated working situations after graduation. 3 To expose students to working methods and techniques in handling equipments and machinery that are not available in their various institution. 4 It enhances students contacts for later job placement. 1. 4 RELEVANCE OF SIWES TO URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING Planning is not complete until the job carried out on paper is transferred to the ground. his program gives students the opportunity of seeing work design on paper presented and transferred on ground. it also help in promoting social intera ction and appreciating planning in practice and administration and relating with other allied professionals in planning. 1. 5 HISTORY OF FEDERAL CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Federal capital development authority (FCDA) is parastatals under the federal capital territory administration (FCTA) charged with the responsibility of building and developing the federal capital territory.Federal capital development authority (FCDA) was established in April 1976 by degree No 6 of 1976. Federal capital development authority comprises of 10 departments namely: Abuja metropolitan management council (AMMC), Engineering, survey and mapping, resettlement and compensation, finance and administration, mass housing, satellite town infrastructure, urban and regional planning, public building and procurement department. (chart of FCDA). 1. 6 HISTORY OF ABUJA MUNICIPAL AREA COUNCILThe evolution of Abuja Municipal area council could be trace to its creation as development area on the 1st of October 1984. in 1987, on the recommendation of the Ahmadu Bello University consultancy group it assumed the full status of local Government (area council). The area council secretariat has different departments such as health, works department, legal department, revenue, Abuja environmental protection board. Location/population Abuja municipal area council is located on the eastern wing of the federal capital territory. t is bounded on the east by Nasarawa state,on the west by kuje area council , North- west by Gwagwalada and on the North by Bwari area council. The last demographic report by the national population commission indicated that the population of the area council stood at 309,306. However it is important to note that the population figure may double this number as the area council is daily experiencing influx of people. The people Abuja municipal area council has the following ethnic groups: gbagyi, gwandara,koro, gade. he main gbagyi settlements in amac include the following:karu, n yanya, durumi,garki, keffi,kabasa, mabushi, jabi, lugbe, idu, toge, hulumi, pyakasa, jikwoyi, kuduru, orozo, maitama and asokoro areas. the gwandara people can be found in places like karshi, jiwa, awagwa, karmo and idu. The area council besides the city caters for the needs of over 49 communities each presided by village heads. Besides that, the area council has twelve political wards namely:City centre, Wuse,Gwarinpa, Garki, Kabusa, Gui, Gwagwa karshi, Orozo, Karu and Nyanya. (org chart of AMAC). CHAPTER TWOThis chapter consist of basically the administrative work, assingment, fieldwork and lectures recived during the cause of my industrial training at Abuja Municipal Area Council. 2. 0 ADMINSTRATIVE WORK/ASSINGMENTS RECORDING OF INCOMING AND OUTGOING FILES: This is as a result of a complaint been brought to the planning office, in most cases it is a problem of encroachment. This complaint is been filed and taken to the planning and survey unit. My supervisor gives me this file to record into a booklet the file number, the date it was filed, the nature of the complaint.An outgoing file is a file I record which have already been treated. CONFIRMATION OF PLOT NUMBERS ON LAYOUTS: This is an exercise given to me by my supervisor. This entails the checking out of the plot numbers on a specific layout to confirm whether the plot exist in the layout and also to verify the total number of plots on a some layout which includes Apo extension II, Jikoyi village Intergration layout. ASSINGMENTS Some assingments were given to me by my supervisor which I carried out. This assingments includes; defination and type of scales and difference between geography and planning and urban and regional planning.DEFINATION OF SCALE: A scale can be defined as the ratio between the distance on the map and the corresponding distance on the earth surface. TYPES OF SCALES Representative Fraction: This type of scale is a fraction that expresses the mathematical relationship between map and the land such as 1:50,000 which is 1 map unit is equal to 50,000 units. Statement Scale: This is represented in form of a statement that a given distance on the earth equals a given measure on the chart or vice versa. Example 2cm represents 1km. Linear Scale: this shows directly on the map and the corresponding grounddistance.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Motorcycle Helmet Usage
The use of helmets in the United States is a highly controversial topic. The government has enacted and then repealed laws intended to uphold state helmet laws twice. Currently, regulation laws vary state to state. Twenty states have comprehensive helmet laws. Seven states require riders under the age of twenty to wear a helmet, while 19 states require riders under the age of eighteen to wear one. Only three states, Colorado, Illinois, and Iowa, have no helmet regulation whatsoever. Motorcyclists protest their personal freedom, while others complain about the tax burden and higher insurance rates.Motorcycles account for less than 2% of all registered vehicles in the United States and 0.4% of all vehicle miles traveled. Unfortunately, riders account for more than 9% of all traffic deaths. Over the past ten years motorcycle related deaths have increased by about 89%.The motorcycle is both the most fuel efficient and the most hazardous highway vehicle there is. More than 2,500 motorcycl e riders die in the United States each year, and over 60,000 are injured as a result of an accident. In general, riders and non riders seem to agree that it is obvious that a helmet can reduce the chance of brain injury and death.However, some believe helmets are more likely to cause an accident in the first place. Helmets limit hearing and peripheral vision capabilities which make it difficult for riders to be fully aware of what’s going on around them. The weight of the helmet, combined with hot weather can cause a sense of claustrophobia resulting in anxiety and dizziness. It is likely in these types of situations there is an increase in the chance of an accident. It is also possible to become paralyzed because of a helmet during a crash, under the right circumstances. This leaves some riders to believe there are similar risks whether they wear a helmet or not and they should be able to choose between to two.Some riders simply feel that helmets are uncomfortable and bulky, and it should be their own decision whether or not they want to wear one. And to others, they perceive the use of a helmet as â€Å"uncool†, which is enough justification for them.Contrary to some beliefs, a study by the National Public Services Research Institute concluded that the use of a motorcycle helmet does not interfere with the driver’s capability to hear or see what is going on around them. Data collected by the National Highway Traffic Administration regarding motorcycle accidents in states where there is only a helmet law for minors indicates this type of helmet law is more difficult to enforce. The data showed that less that 40% of minors killed in crashes were wearing helmets, even though it was required by law.When a catastrophic accident has occurred, the financial burden is usually placed upon private insurers or the state. So in a state where there are multiple head injuries due to motorcycle accidents which require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation, tax payers and others who carry insurance are financially affected. As a result, a number of people do support enforcing the helmet regulation laws since they feel directly impacted.The Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System (CODES) conducted an analysis of three states with the universal helmet laws and three states without. The inpatient charges for brain injury were double the cost in the states without the universal helmet laws. Numerous studies have concluded that motorcycle crash victims who were not wearing helmets are less likely to have insurance than crash victims who were wearing helmets.Others are less concerned with the financial burden, and more concerned with the psychological impact of witnessing a gruesome disaster, or having a friend or family member die in such a manner. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, (NHTSA) head injury is the number one cause of death in motorcycle accidents. A survey conducted in 1998 concluded t hat 46% of fatally injured motorcyclists were not wearing helmets. The NHTSA estimates that helmets diminish the possibility of death by 29% in a crash. In 1989, six states enacted a law requiring the use of helmets. All six have seen a reduction in deaths from motorcycle accidents since then.In 1980, motorcycle rider fatalities reached a record high of 5,144. By 1990 the numbers had decreased to 3,244. For the year of 1997 there were only 2,116, an all time low. Other research indicates that helmet laws significantly decreases fatality rates, saves taxpayer’s money, decreases money lost due to missed work, and reduces the severity of head injuries. A study carried out in California showed that during the first four years after the elimination of the federal sanctions, motorcycle deaths increased by 61% while motorcycle registration increased only by 15%.In Hawaii, research conducted by the Department of Transportation showed that motorcyclists are three times more probabl e to suffer a traumatic brain injury as a result of a motorcycle crash. The accuracy of statistical information is questionable. It has shown to be difficult to retrieve financial and medical information due to privacy rights and a lack of data. More information has been successfully collected from surviving crash victims than ones who did not survive. There may also be other contributing factors to these accidents besides the fact they weren’t wearing helmets. Different weather and the length of the riding season can have a significant impact on the varying statistics.Other alternatives to reducing the number of fatalities have been suggested. Riders tend to be more supportive of raising safety awareness and mandating education before obtaining a license, since it is common for motorcyclists to learn to ride without any type of education. In Japan, the new motorcycle riders may start off with the smallest sized motorcycle, and after a set amount of time they are allowe d to graduate to a larger motorcycle. If similar regulations were mandated in the United Sates, the number of fatalities could decrease without helmet laws.Some place the blame on inattentive automobile drivers. It is common to see automobile drivers talking on their cell phone, eating, drinking, etc. Distracted drivers are less likely to use blinkers and potentially more likely to hit a motorcyclist they did not notice previously. An emphasis on defensive driving because of these types of disasters in driver education could help promote safety and reduce motorcycle-related injuries.Small incentives could help promote the use of motorcycle helmets, rather than a mandatory law. For example, a reduction in the cost of motorcycle insurance for wearing a helmet might be beneficial. Some motorcycle stores have been known to give away free helmets, or offer to install free two-way communicators in them in hopes to encourage the use of helmets.While the majority of the public seems to supp ort a mandatory helmet law, the majority of actual motorcycle riders support freedom of choice. There are good arguments supporting both sides. This is a highly debatable topic similar to one’s right to risk dying of lung cancer because they choose to smoke. It is highly unlikely a compromise will be made that is deemed reasonable by both sides.Works CitedDepartment of Motor Vehicles. Helmets: A Matter of Choice? 5 December 2006 Research & Marketing Services, Inc. March 2004. Motorcycle Helmets   Integration Report. 5 December 2006.         ets/motorcycle-intergration.pdfSMS Research & Marketing Services, Inc. January 2004. Executive Highlights. 6        December 2006.   s/safecommunities/reports/motorcyclehelm         ets/motorcycle-focusgroups.pdf Â
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