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TECHNICAL REPORT OF STUDENT INDUSTRIAL WORK EXPERIENCE SCHEME(SIWES) WITH ABUJA MUNICIPAL AREA COUNCIL(AMAC)ABUJA PESENTED BY ADEYEMI ISAAC SHOLA UJ/2008/EV/0222 SUBMMITED TO THE DEPARTMENT OFGEOGRAPHY AND PLANNING FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,UNIVERSITY OF JOS IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B. Sc Hons)DEGREE PROGRAMME IN GEOGRAPHY AND PLANNING. NOVEMBER, 2012. DEDICATION This report is dedicated to God Almighty my creator.To my parents, Mr. & Mrs. ADEYEMI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My sincere gratitude goes to God almighty for his guidance and grace given to me throughout my six month industrial training. I remain grateful to my parents for their effort and support towards my education. My gratitude also goes to my departmental supervisors Mrs. L. S Rikko and Mrs. Simi, for setting out time to come and see us in our place of primary assignment. I want to thank my industrial based supervisor Mr.Ali Adamu and the entire staff of the zonal plannin g office for their assistance. Much gratitude goes to my head of department and to all the staff of the department of geography and planning, university of Jos. Finally, I want to say thank you to all my friends who have been of great encouragement to me throughout this period, I remain grateful. ABSTRACT The Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a program which has been organized by the federal government through the industrial training und (ITF) for Nigeria institutions in order to enlighten the students on the usage of equipment and professional practice in their different fields of study. In fulfillment of my study as a geography and planning students, I carried out my six month industrial training in the survey and planning unit office Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC), located at area 10 Garki, Abuja. This report comprises of the organization chart of Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA), urban and regional planning department and also Abuja Municipal Area Council(AMAC). his report also contains the functions of the zonal planning office, functions of the urban and regional planning department and also the activities I participated in and experiences I gained. Some of the problems encountered during the exercise and possible solutions, were not left out. In conclusion I recommended ways of improving the program and also support of the program by the federal government. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Dedication Acknowledgement Abstract CHAPTER ONE 1. 0 Introduction 1. 1 Industrial Training Fund 1. Brief History of SIWES 1. 3 Objectives of SIWES 1. 4 Relevance of SIWES to Urban and Regional Planning CHAPTER ONE 1. 0 INTRODUCTION The Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme is a program which involves the students, the universities and the industry. The siwes forms a part of the approved minimum academic standards in various degree program in Nigerian universities. The scheme is funded by the Federal Government of Nigeria and is coor dinated by the Industrial Training Fund and the National Universities Commission (NUC 1996).The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme, bridges the gap between theory and practice and also it is aimed at exposing students to machines and equipments, professional work methods and ways of safe guarding work areas and organizations. This report contains the work undertaken, new knowledge learnt and problems encountered by the student during the six months industrial training in zonal planning office Abuja municipal area council located at area 10 Garki, Abuja. Solution to the problem are also included. 1. 1 INDUSTRIAL TRAINNING FUND(ITF)The industrial training fund was established in 1971 as a man power development agency for the federal government of Nigeria. The provision of decree 47 of 8th October 1971,empower industrial training fund (ITF) to promote and encourage the acquisition of skills in industry and co mmerce with a view to generate pool of indigenous trained manpower su fficient to meet the needs of the Nigeria economy. A clause was invented by the ITF in 1978 in the policy statement no. 1 dealing with issues of practical skills among locally trained professionals.Selection 15 of the policy, states that internal emphasis will be place on certain product of post-secondary to adopt or orientate easily on their possible post-graduation for environment. 1. 2 BRIEF HISTORY OF STUDENT INDUSTRIAL WORK EXPERIENCE SCHEME(SIWES) The student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) came into being with the establishment of industrial training fund (ITF) by the federal government of Nigeria in 1973 under the degree of 47 of 1971 in other to boost indigenous capacity of the nation’s industrial need.This was brought about by the federal ministry of commerce and industries, finance, education in collaboration with NUC and board of technical education (NUBTE) who thought that the main aim of training and exposing students to industrial fields is to give th em practical knowledge of what they have been thought in their respective courses. The first started on the 8th of October 1974 with few number of students from different institutions which later increased to a large number of students in tertiary institutions nationwide. 1. 3 OBJECTIVES OF SIWES To provide an avenue for students in Nigeria Universities to acquire industrial skills and experience in their course of study. 2 To prepare students on anticipated working situations after graduation. 3 To expose students to working methods and techniques in handling equipments and machinery that are not available in their various institution. 4 It enhances students contacts for later job placement. 1. 4 RELEVANCE OF SIWES TO URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING Planning is not complete until the job carried out on paper is transferred to the ground. his program gives students the opportunity of seeing work design on paper presented and transferred on ground. it also help in promoting social intera ction and appreciating planning in practice and administration and relating with other allied professionals in planning. 1. 5 HISTORY OF FEDERAL CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Federal capital development authority (FCDA) is parastatals under the federal capital territory administration (FCTA) charged with the responsibility of building and developing the federal capital territory.Federal capital development authority (FCDA) was established in April 1976 by degree No 6 of 1976. Federal capital development authority comprises of 10 departments namely: Abuja metropolitan management council (AMMC), Engineering, survey and mapping, resettlement and compensation, finance and administration, mass housing, satellite town infrastructure, urban and regional planning, public building and procurement department. (chart of FCDA). 1. 6 HISTORY OF ABUJA MUNICIPAL AREA COUNCILThe evolution of Abuja Municipal area council could be trace to its creation as development area on the 1st of October 1984. in 1987, on the recommendation of the Ahmadu Bello University consultancy group it assumed the full status of local Government (area council). The area council secretariat has different departments such as health, works department, legal department, revenue, Abuja environmental protection board. Location/population Abuja municipal area council is located on the eastern wing of the federal capital territory. t is bounded on the east by Nasarawa state,on the west by kuje area council , North- west by Gwagwalada and on the North by Bwari area council. The last demographic report by the national population commission indicated that the population of the area council stood at 309,306. However it is important to note that the population figure may double this number as the area council is daily experiencing influx of people. The people Abuja municipal area council has the following ethnic groups: gbagyi, gwandara,koro, gade. he main gbagyi settlements in amac include the following:karu, n yanya, durumi,garki, keffi,kabasa, mabushi, jabi, lugbe, idu, toge, hulumi, pyakasa, jikwoyi, kuduru, orozo, maitama and asokoro areas. the gwandara people can be found in places like karshi, jiwa, awagwa, karmo and idu. The area council besides the city caters for the needs of over 49 communities each presided by village heads. Besides that, the area council has twelve political wards namely:City centre, Wuse,Gwarinpa, Garki, Kabusa, Gui, Gwagwa karshi, Orozo, Karu and Nyanya. (org chart of AMAC). CHAPTER TWOThis chapter consist of basically the administrative work, assingment, fieldwork and lectures recived during the cause of my industrial training at Abuja Municipal Area Council. 2. 0 ADMINSTRATIVE WORK/ASSINGMENTS RECORDING OF INCOMING AND OUTGOING FILES: This is as a result of a complaint been brought to the planning office, in most cases it is a problem of encroachment. This complaint is been filed and taken to the planning and survey unit. My supervisor gives me this file to record into a booklet the file number, the date it was filed, the nature of the complaint.An outgoing file is a file I record which have already been treated. CONFIRMATION OF PLOT NUMBERS ON LAYOUTS: This is an exercise given to me by my supervisor. This entails the checking out of the plot numbers on a specific layout to confirm whether the plot exist in the layout and also to verify the total number of plots on a some layout which includes Apo extension II, Jikoyi village Intergration layout. ASSINGMENTS Some assingments were given to me by my supervisor which I carried out. This assingments includes; defination and type of scales and difference between geography and planning and urban and regional planning.DEFINATION OF SCALE: A scale can be defined as the ratio between the distance on the map and the corresponding distance on the earth surface. TYPES OF SCALES Representative Fraction: This type of scale is a fraction that expresses the mathematical relationship between map and the land such as 1:50,000 which is 1 map unit is equal to 50,000 units. Statement Scale: This is represented in form of a statement that a given distance on the earth equals a given measure on the chart or vice versa. Example 2cm represents 1km. Linear Scale: this shows directly on the map and the corresponding grounddistance.
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